Jeudy announcing Thursday

Listening to Tony Sands right now. This **** is corny as **** and kind of creepy. The show should literally be called "i hope these kids make me famous" with the way they're describing how jeudy is bringing them listeners.

totally agree, if this is nothing but a big tease his U Card needs to get ripped to shreads.
He just played a passionate miami tribute with with the ed reed speech and al blades if this cat is playing games he better get run out of town
Fml i hate that guy for playing those songs. I came in to Da U n got hyped. Only to have him play that country a$$ bama song!!!
why am I hearing a seen from Coming To America barbershop scene....Jerry Juedy was a bad Motha******
Anyone who listened to the Bruce announcement on this show knows how big of a ****ery it is. No thanks