
Terrible ****ing jet. I would rather fly commercial. I have been in more pieces of **** like that that I care to remember. Btw you sure that's a jet. That birch might have propellers. I'm not kidding.

Since you're not kidding, point out the propellers for all of us.

Might... reading comprehension is overrated. We actually laugh at each other in the office when someone gets assigned to a puddle jumper. Anybody who says they would like to fly in one if these have never flown in one.

If what you post in this thread is an indication of your knowledge about anything at all I find it appalling that any company would go to the expense to fly you anywhere. You simply don't have a clue about what you're talking about.

Don't you worry about it. Just make sure your scoot scoot is running well in this cold weather so I get my newspaper on time.


They pack them into those Greyhounds nowadays.

Hmm. That is kind of weak for a jet. I know those boys are big but that looks uncomfortably tight

U clearly don't know much about jets. They're just about all like that.

The company I work for owns several jets. They are all bigger and nicer than that. You clearly don't know anything about me or my experience on jets, so it might be best to pipe down
So all we've basically established here is that we should have access to a BETTER private jet and that some of you would rather deal with commercial airport hassle because you fear for your lives possibly ending in an aviation related catastrophe.

I dunno. Rumph looks like he's enjoying it. Not to mention that if it allows for at minimum one addl visit instead of Kool being detained by TSA because he won't give up that extra large bag of beef jerky that cost him $42 in the concourse then I'm siding with any form of private air travel.