Jessie Marks

Mike Ryan just exposed the feckless rot that was running our program during the Le Batard local hour. He tells a story about how Jessie Marks tells a booster, who was upset after we got whooped, that the boosters need to stop thinking about the team like they were Florida or Alabama and start thinking about the team like they were Vanderbilt.

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Zero, zero, zero chance he said that. Also, he wasn't running the program. But rant on.
Jesse was my worse nightmare. When at the Rock in club section I had my sister who is older. A fanatic Hurricane Fan , loved them as much as I did and she went there for 2 years before transferring to FAU getting her Masters in education. This all means nothing except she taught elementary school for 25 years . She had just retire and started going to games with me driving the 200 plus miles. She than got Cancer really bad. So up in the club eating area there were kids playing football, and running pass routes and knocked her down twice . I was furious that they security couldn’t keep away from us eating at tables. Then the Jesse and BJ heard it from me and as you expected, I got shxt from both of them that it’s like my fault for taking her to the games. I’ve had words with Jesse Marks for over many years before my sister died in 2013… I should have kicked him in his groin but didn’t want jail time, an idiot he was and is.
I spent a lot of time with those guys/girls over the years. They all were wonderful people, and in my opinion had a tough job given the incompetence top to bottom. But I absolutely can see these stories being true, they all were completely fine with mediocrity and looked at us sideways for questioning the incompetence across all three major sports.
Happened personally a million times since graduating, those people annoyed me
The Hecht has been infected with losers for many years. I hope Mario brings a flamethrower to the place.
Thought I’d drop this here. I knew Jesse fairly well while he was here. We knew a lot of eachothers networks etc.

Not a Blake loyalist but as someone mentioned he probably thought he was smarter than him. That being said, he liked Blake.

One time at a Canes basketball game Jesse myself and a prominent booster/BOT member (one that surprisingly doesn’t get mentioned here on CIS that often considering his influence to football) are standing next to each other shooting the sh*t before tipoff. Jesse sees some students holding a Fire Golden sign. He took offense to it and says “Hey Cane14, booster isn’t that some bull**** that a student is holding that sign at a basketball game?” I snapped at him and said Jesse, let’s get one thing straight here, Football is the only thing that matters here at the University and we’ve failed miserably... And the booster who is the nicest guy in the world and is relatively reserved flat out agreed with me and Jesse just stayed quiet. Ironically enough I think this was the basketball game that Cristobal was introduced for his 1 month stint.

Another funny story he mentioned is about Blake James and a country club that gets mentioned here on CIS. My folks belong to that club and the waitlist is forever. That being said they usually like to extend an invite to the Miami AD and he generally accepts. However, Blake was cheaping out and didn’t want to do it. He told the club, f u I’m Blake James and I know a lot of people here. I can practically get on here whenever the f I want to (kind of true and not true). That didn’t sit well with them. Not sure what happened after but I did see him there about 2 years ago. Definitely burned some bridges but what a pompous pos Blake James is.
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the entire AD building needs to be *****-ed.

the have their priorities messed up. its the players first and then the fans, not the administrators or any one else. i had numerous discussions with James about how Ross screwed up the tailgating and entrance to the stadium, how little interaction there is with players, how little creativity there is. he **** on every thing i said.
It makes sense that he blocked me on Twitter long ago, I smelled the pussificiation from Jesse at the time and called him out on it. Spineless as a jellyfish
I was a fairly high donor and he knew it and he still blocked me …. Maybe I shouldn’t have called him a cuck
The UM administration took on the thinking of the mass public. Ive told the story of how a buddy of mine who is a casual college football fan but a HUGE gambler said I should just come to the conclusion that Miami football is like the "Iowa of the South" now. We will win 7-9 games a year on average. Maybe luck into a 10 win season here and there and thats about it. I was SICK because he was right! WE WERE becoming Iowa! LOL!

So when I hear whoever this Jessie Marks clown is say that, I absolutely believe that he meant it and that was the same line of thinking of 95% of the people in that building. Thats how they viewed our football program now. Like winning the ACC was a dream and winning another national title was just impossible. Smh.

So glad things have changed. Cant tell you how glad I am. Unreal what has transpired in the last 72hrs for this program.