Jerry Jeudy WILL official visit(Stayin with Bama)

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Nobody even knew we were in the picture. I told you we were. Check

Nobody even knew we did an in-home visit with him. I told you we did. Check

Nobody even knew he was thinking of an OV. I told you he was. TBD

Regardless if it happens or it doesn't, I appreciate you sharing your information with us.

Rusty Pelican has a Saturday night reservation for the big table with the great view. Reservation is under the name "Boca".
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Recruiting is very fluid. Kids change their minds all the time. Just ask Pete. You can't blame the OP if the visit never materialized. If you want 100% predictively accurate recruiting info then you won't get much on this site. OP never said JJ would change his mind vis-a-vis Alabama commitment. He only said JJ wanted to visit. IF JJ visits Miami OP shouldn't be a hero and if the visit never happened he shouldn't be a villain. You want all the info you can get? expect hits and misses.
Nobody even knew we were in the picture. I told you we were. Check

Nobody even knew we did an in-home visit with him. I told you we did. Check

Nobody even knew he was thinking of an OV. I told you he was. TBD


I told you that Jerry thinks you're a moron. Check!
Nobody even knew we were in the picture. I told you we were. Check

Nobody even knew we did an in-home visit with him. I told you we did. Check

Nobody even knew he was thinking of an OV. I told you he was. TBD


I told you that Jerry thinks you're a moron. Check!

**** Tone. What did this ***** ever do to u? U on him like white on rice. He just sharing some info. Maybe good, Maybe no good. we will see. It ain't that deep tho bro. I am just askin. Yall got history?
You know whats funny, Tweed was just trying to pass info along and yall rip him like little girls. Not once did he ever come close to say he was going to sign with UM. No other site has mentioned a in home visit with him and when some asked the guys from Canesport their first response was we didnt ask cause there is no chance hes coming, then shortly after their tune changed to we havent confirmed a in home happened with solid sources. Who knows what Bama did when they found out he was suppose to visit. Scarboro was suppose to visit then that didnt happen, Elliot Baker was suppose to visit that isnt happening, I believe Juedy was suppose to visit, we'll see. These are official visits where your taken to some of the best restaurants in the country, going to college parties with college girls and staying in 5 star hotels. Who wouldnt want to do that even if its just for a vacation. I do find it weird that these kids all of a sudden cancel last second when they are committed to that same school.
Even if he doesn't's still good to be in the picture. Our last administration wouldn't have even tried.

Let's fix October next year and these recruits will start coming. It's basic microeconomics supply and demand, right now we're seen as an inferior good to these high end recruits with unlimited amount of utility. But our stock is rising by the day, believe it fellas! Change is upon us.

I appreciate the OP...bless
Even if he doesn't's still good to be in the picture. Our last administration wouldn't have even tried.

Let's fix October next year and these recruits will start coming. It's basic microeconomics supply and demand, right now we're seen as an inferior good to these high end recruits with unlimited amount of utility. But our stock is rising by the day, believe it fellas! Change is upon us.

I appreciate the OP...bless

Exactly. ****, Al Golden didn't even attempt to recruit Judy. Arguably the best receiver in the nation this cycle, in our own backyard, and fat **** Golden didn't even both contacting this kid.
Nobody even knew we were in the picture. I told you we were. Check

Nobody even knew we did an in-home visit with him. I told you we did. Check

Nobody even knew he was thinking of an OV. I told you he was. TBD


I told you that Jerry thinks you're a moron. Check!

**** Tone. What did this **** ever do to u? U on him like white on rice. He just sharing some info. Maybe good, Maybe no good. we will see. It ain't that deep tho bro. I am just askin. Yall got history?

Theres always certain people who look at names and want to get after them it gets retarded. The only one who deserved to get trolled was dbc because hes retarded. I usually dont even look at the handles on here most of the time
So is Juedy visiting?

What time is he expected on campus?

Any idea on dinner plans?
personally, i like coming here and getting information, but I'm more to not to want to know about if he gets to campus. I'm still optimistic that the big time south florida kids see what lots of american see, not just through game play, but stats as well. We are a different program and they can help us turn this thing like it's supposed to be!!!
Harley will have a better career than Jeudy.

In what world?

The kevin olsen is a good quarterback world

OT a bit. Check out the 2013 QB class

Football Recruiting - Recruiting Database Search - ESPN


2013 WR class

Football Recruiting - Recruiting Database Search - ESPN

Mike Williams isn't on list. He was #27 . Lmfao

So much for the theory that there aren't still TONS of misses in recruiting. However, it does lend credence to the stacking chips theory. If you get the 4/5 star talent every year, like Bama, you will get the stars eventually. We need to rake it in for a few years before we can realistically expect it to play out. Hence, why I have always said that any coach needs/deserves at least 3 years to get a ship straight. Especially if you have been down a while and are not a state school that just has a massive budget and a massive following.
Should be a fun morning, enjoy the chaos in about an hour.
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