2024 Jerrick Gibson RB

Eat sh*t....I NEVER called Baxter to us....I wanted him, and thought he was the best in the country. He rocked UM gear in HS...But he stayed loyal to Texas. Social Security??...Don't need it whatsoever. I'm financially set for the rest of my life. Now go make your boyfriend a snack...

Oh, you didn't?

[IMG alt="SWFLHurricane"]https://data.canesinsight.com/avatars/m/11/11082.jpg?1686233094[/IMG]



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So sit down you geriatric ****. Yes, you did in fact call him to us.

As for the rest, quit showing your insecurities. Stick to stories of the good old days, but the tough guy, financially set, psuedo insider, and completely hetero stuff is a loss for you. In particular that last part as you wouldn't want too much history brought forward to the present.

I understand why the other mods deleted it… I missed that actually I shouldn’t speculate either on who it may have been
Yeah its only a few names but alot of people lurk on this site and they screen shot things and all of a sudden its going viral and may cause issues for the staff sometimes. People attribute anything a nameless fans says to the school. OU just had that
Oh, you didn't?

[IMG alt="SWFLHurricane"]https://data.canesinsight.com/avatars/m/11/11082.jpg?1686233094[/IMG]



JoinedDec 12, 2014Messages27,159

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So sit down you geriatric ****. Yes, you did in fact call him to us.

As for the rest, quit showing your insecurities. Stick to stories of the good old days, but the tough guy, financially set, psuedo insider, and completely hetero stuff is a loss for you. In particular that last part as you wouldn't want too much history brought forward to the present.
preach GIF by Shalita Grant
Baxter was a pube away from being in the class thru May.

Then one magical UOV to UT and he wasn’t even answering calls.
The dropped a ATM on that boy. He visited Texas, Crystal Balls immediately and not a single visit elsewhere lol. Im no insider but i was confident he was coming here until that visit. He was unwavering after barely any relationship with them
I understand why the other mods deleted it… I missed that actually I shouldn’t speculate either on who it may have been
I’m the guilty deleter. Brooklyn didn’t make the statement to put the name out there. The way I read it, if that other school didn’t honor the deal, you never know though it seems we moved on. That type of information is probably known by a limited number of people so there’s that link as well.
Two 5* lost at the last second (Baxter and McClain)

Set Baxter aside for a moment.

We lost McClain to a bizarre situation. Action Jackson too (he may be in the class score though). We DEFINITELY lost Rashada to some bull****, regardless of how anyone thinks he will "turn out". He was still a very high 4-star.

McClain and Rashada, just on their own, likely make this a Top 4/Top 5 class.