2024 Jeremiah Smith 2.0 ,,, Signs with Taint

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What a run this has been. Love y’all regardless of what happens. 400 pages! We are ****n lunatics!
8 pages in an hour.

Part of me thinks “tf wrong with y’all”, the other part of me expected more.
STG is not canesport CD. There are some missing attributes, most notably CD can not write a sentence without using LOL LMFAO or some other acronym.

STG May actually be another canesport guy who went by Sean Taylor’s Ghost ie STG. That guy could argue. I don’t have the energy to look at his posting history but Sean Taylor’s ghost would frequently post some crazy **** where he must have been high on mescaline.

I know it’s not.I went around and around with that jackass many times…I was being a smartass due to his unwillingness to let that crap go about the WR bound and determined to make sure he was right no matter the length he had to go through to prove it.

Sorry sarcasm doesn’t show up on computer…
i just wanted to be on Page 400
Val Kilmer Reaction GIF
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