Jenkins, V. Davis, Hope, Blue, Moore

What's out of the ordinary are positive freshman reviews from practice--not negative ones. Hope having negative reviews 3 weeks into camp doesn't mean he's a bust, just like early positive reviews of other guys doesn't mean they'll be All-ACC selections by season's end. **** at all the people who just want to jump at conclusions based off of small sample size.

i'm not calling the kid a bust. Just sharing that I've heard some negative reviews of his play so far. That is all. At times he has been a bit outmatched in the eyes of some.

From what I recall, mf and fish actually didn't mind Vernon Davis.....they thought he is decent but not a 'miami' type of kid. Also, their opinion on Jenkins was based mostly from his state title game performance.... They said he played soft and timid.

The problem I have with that is Jenkins was the leader or best player of the team that DID make it all the way to the state title game....that has to count for something. He also was playing QB in the game...I don't think that performance should be an indication of how he's going to project at safety.
Fishbein is a total ******* and a fraud. If schools actually choose to pay that clown for his evals, well then that is their mistake. The other guy may know his ball, I don't know. Never heard of the guy.

But I understand where you're coming from with your post.
Remember Golden & co saw many of these kids up close and personal in one his camps.

Until I see different I will trust Golden's evaluations.