So what's the story about Jeff Thomas getting knocked out at the 7v7?
I didn't see it, but was told that he got sucker punched by a member of South Florida Express from the side or back and was knocked out cold. Jeff Thomas' team was allowed to continue playing after the SFE melee, but got in another fight later and was sent packing. SFE was immediately disqualified.
There was another massive brawl at the end of the night between Strong Arm and The Chamber. My son and I got to Bamford at the start of this game. The Chamber (Broward team) beat Strong Arm (Dade team) in the game. There was a ton of trash talking going on before, during and after the game. A minute or two after the game ended all **** broke loose. It was a Pier 6 brawl. It looked to me like the Strong Arm players started it. There were people swinging chairs, and about 20 Davie police cruisers responded.