JC Shurburtt(247) predictions- We get no one

I agree, I'm just saying if I was a national guy who was forced to give half *** predictions, I would base them off trends for kids from that region. More often than not kids from Dade go to Miami, just like kids from Glenville go to Ohio State, kids from Georgia go to Georgia, Louisiana to LSU, and so forth. Occasionally these kids go elsewhere, but most kids opt for the hometown team if the hometown team really wants them.

Blaze is showing Nole tendencies, never seen someone defend the Noles like he has been lately.
Why is he biased again? I like to hear this.

No the internet, now explain to me his hate for Miami.

I would starting saying more than hate, I see a love for the Noles.. But I just took a look at your reputation and posts...hmmmmmm

Now I know why you´re defending this guy. You booth love the same team.

Look for another poster to fall in your trap.

Except he is a Bama fan(started the Bama bump) but good try kid.
Ok, but are you a Nole?
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Ole Miss getting top talent again....................Did Orgeron slip in the backdoor at Ole Miss, again?
He use to be on Bill King's show every week with recruiting updates. But as Signing Day got closer he got taken off and two other 247 guys took his spot. He's pretty **** boring on the radio. You can tell too that he has no connections in recruiting he just passes on info that the other 247 guys collect. He just talked in a lot of generalizations. As was mentioned since 247's Miami site is pretty ****** he's being fed little to nothing from there thus his predictions.
Ole Miss getting top talent again....................Did Orgeron slip in the backdoor at Ole Miss, again?

I still shake my head at LaQuan Treadwell going to Ole ****. Seriously bro. you let Stadifer talk you into that mess? Enjoy 6-6 seasons and getting buried by Bama every year.
shurburtt. lol @ that name. just read it after only having looked at it.
Florida Fans have been counting themselves out for Collins for a while.

From what I understand the UF staff does not feel like they are in contention for AC. I haven't heard any rumblings about him thus far. The visit to UF was more of a courtesy thing since his sister went there.
JC Spermbutt is just another guessing dope. Ax him for his guesses in 3 days, without letting him see that list of guesses in the OP, and I'm sure it would be completely different. I'm convinced some of these dudes have a pet chicken pecking out their guesses for them.