Why are people so willing to write off Rumph as a bad hire when we haven't even played a single snap yet?
So, if our CB's are improved from last year & guys are playing with sound technique and getting PD's & INT's that doesn't matter??
It's just all about landing kids from AH that counts now? Smh... That's simply unfair.
Are you guys forgetting how difficult it is to get Elite South Fla kids to come to Miami in general, just because Rumph used to coach at AH doesn't guarantee us any of those players. And quite honestly, if those divas don't wanna come here, then to **** with'em.
At least give the guy a full **** season before we nitpick everything & start being hyper critical over the hire.
Because If you can't recruit / coach your missing a lot top notch local kids .
How do you know if he can't coach yet?
And as far as his recruiting skills, I'll reserve judgement on that for 2018 based on who we pull from that class.
For this season, If we get Edwards & Dean, then flip Bandy & keep Henderson, then I would grade that as a job well done.
And a lot of these "top notch local kids" are highfalutin a$$holes, they think the Sun rises & sets on their a$$, and honestly we're better off going after the South Fla kids who wanna be here (even if they're 3-star's) & trying to land OOS talent that actually respects our program.