Jarren Williams is a stud.

Man best performance from a QB here I've seen in a while that man was surgical with this s*** out there today
I've been saying since game 1 we had our QB of the future. What people bashed him most on was his internal clock, which gets better with reps. What we did see immediately from the first game on was a strong arm, an innate feel to climb the pocket, making multiple reads and keeping your eyes up while under pressure. All things that are much tougher to teach.

Agreed. “Once the game slows down for him...“ Beast. Manny said several times his feel for the pocket is one of the reasons why they chose him. Feels great to finally have a QB who can deliver. And he’s a Frosh.
I always believed in Jarren but was worried about his deep ball and red zone consistency but not anymore. Not enough will say it but Enos as a qb coach is by far worth the money and as a play caller he isn't completely there yet but with the line improving and him not being as cute with his calls there's vast improvement there also. This season has been frustrating because honestly I'll still say we should be undefeated while hitting our strides now but whatever I can't help but smile knowing we have the face of our offense and defense shining as rs freshmen

In my opinion, there’s no way Dan Enos should have allowed our young left tackle to face off against certain defenders by himself in the first half of the season. All we needed to do was incorporate more chips, and more delayed releases with our TEs. He should have adjusted a lot faster - away from the under center stuff. He was too stubborn.

But. I’m happy AF about the Enos & Williams evolution. Now we just have to continue to move forward.
I so wrong about Jarren Williama. This kid is the goods and after the Pitt game and the games that followed has made me a believer.
Disagree. Glad to see him use his legs to take the yardage the other team gives him but ... in terms of escapability, he's sort of lumbering.

That's more of a pocket presence thing than it is mobility that he has shown progression on.

Yesterday on a play all it took was a quick 2 step shuffle to the left and he had all day to throw out of a wide open window. Instead...he takes the sack because his mindfulness of the visible rush isint fully there.

Other times he has a late start yet tries to get away from a guy with a full head of steam and gets tackled. He has the time to get rid of it, but again, underestimates.

These arent mobility limitations and he shows the ability to keep progressing on taking negative plays out of his game.
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Ya he is. Pretty stoked about the kid. Too bad Enos won’t stick around this dumpster fire more than 2 years.

Enos is a QB coach and not an OC coordinator period. If he goes it's not really a big deal, hopefully Manny realizes how important it is to have a real OC in the future.

In my opinion, there’s no way Dan Enos should have allowed our young left tackle to face off against certain defenders by himself in the first half of the season. All we needed to do was incorporate more chips, and more delayed releases with our TEs. He should have adjusted a lot faster - away from the under center stuff. He was too stubborn.

But. I’m happy AF about the Enos & Williams evolution. Now we just have to continue to move forward.
Sadly that comes with new OC's too often just overthinking amd that cost us early
It was mainly an O line issue. However, I do notice he can find receivers quicker now.
Did you watch the game today? They scored TDs on their first 3-4 possessions of the game. The first one started at their own 8.

Yes, I watched the game, and I saw that a majority of Miami's drives were 8 plays or fewer. In fact, only one of Miami's drives took longer than 4 minutes. There were 3 scoring drives of 4 plays or less, two of a single play. Explosive plays are great, but the difference between good and great offenses is the ability to CONSISTENTLY string together long drives, because of the fact that explosive plays aren't going to happen often against defenses worth a ****. I will say this, Miami hitting the 50% mark on 3rd down conversions is promising.
STFU. Everyone throws 'should have been picked off throwns'. JW15 has made huge strides. He's been a surgeon the past 3 weeks. If you expect perfection go kill yourself because no QB at any program will give you that. JW passed to 6 TD's and we dropped a 50 burger and you're being and insufferable b. F off.

You can't CONSISTENTLY throw those kind of balls, especially egregiously bad reads. That's how games like VT happen, eventually someone is going to catch balls that hit them dead in the numbers. Being honest about what we've seen throughout the season is needed, but you homers just want to take any good performance and overblow it. Miami beat a mediocre Louisville team, and JW15 looked great doing it. That said, there are things that have to be worked on. JW15 was a bit reckless with the ball at times Saturday, and he also got somewhat sloppy in spots late. You don't want bad habits creeping back in.
This kid can play. We’re 2-0 if his supporting cast does their job. I’m going to give this kid props every chance I get, because it’s been forever since we’ve had competent quarterback play. Dude is a balla. When the game slows down for him, he is going to light it up!
We have played very weak defensive teams in FSU and Louisville. I will crown him when we play some competition again