James Williams will be a cane

WERE GONNA WIN IT ALL! WERE A DOMINANT FOOTBALL TEAM AND WERE GONNA SHOW THAT THIS YEAR YO ALL THE DOUBTERS... better? Chose you're a lawyer. I thought lawyers see reality through bull****. And it's certainly nowhere near doomsday as it can be an easy fix. Just requires a commitment. I get it people on here can't grasp that as the biggest commitment most make is 300$ and a clothes hangar for one night without a condom. I won't mention it again. I just don't wanna hear anymore of these *****ass people moan when they see all that glitters ain't gold...
If you want to take it to a ridiculous extreme, go ahead. If you read my posts, I'm realistic about what we need to do and how we need to approach it. This NC or bust **** is not productive. We need to take logical steps toward that goal. It won't happen overnight.

I'm not gonna beef with you on here. I like you and I'm glad you're recovering. I just choose not to drag the same negative stuff up over and over and over. I know where you stand on Manure. Probably the same place I stand.

I'm a fan, a double alum and a booster. This program is a huge part of my life, and I live and die with it. But every year, if there's a reason to feel some hope, I'll feel the hope instead of languishing in misery and negativity.

Well I stand corrected. Hickson wasn’t the on field coach issue in this situation, it was only Stubbs. I thought one of the problems remained on staff but I guess that was the off field coach.
If you want to take it to a ridiculous extreme, go ahead. If you read my posts, I'm realistic about what we need to do and how we need to approach it. This NC or bust **** is not productive. We need to take logical steps toward that goal. It won't happen overnight.

I'm not gonna beef with you on here. I like you and I'm glad you're recovering. I just choose not to drag the same negative stuff up over and over and over. I know where you stand on Manure. Probably the same place I stand.

I'm a fan, a double alum and a booster. This program is a huge part of my life, and I live and die with it. But every year, if there's a reason to feel some hope, I'll feel the hope instead of languishing in misery and negativity.
Last thing I'll say is you call him manure well manure isn't the problem... He's part of the issue yes. But it's not his fault that someone was put in a position that they don't belong. It's not his fault he's overwhelmed by all of this and incapable(currently) of understanding the bigger issues let alone correcting them. Then you make the comment of every year while that's never been me. The positive I speak on and say what we have to look forward to and the negative I speak on and say what we have to look out for. It's not that difficult if all anyone chooses to see is the half empty approach... Guess giving people credit for comprehension and context is my issue alone. Like that one genius who keeps bringing up telemundo. News flash you ****** moron. I WAS KIDDING... The point was unless we're winning than no real money just like no real fans will get behind us. Just like you said yourself winning alot of football games is what makes people relevant... Let that sink in. I almost did it again and gave one of you dip****s credit for comprehension. What I meant by that comment is WE USED TO WIN LOTS OF FOOTBALL GAMES...
I remember talk of ASU but it always seemed to be the nephew’s decision and his uncle was supporting him. I don’t blame anyone for wanting out of the Enos offense. Additionally, I do not know this for certain, but I’m guessing that the nephew had issues with Hickson. There was a staff member who was retained that was a conflict issue from what I could piece together.

Cooney not hickson
Last thing I'll say is you call him manure well manure isn't the problem... He's part of the issue yes. But it's not his fault that someone was put in a position that they don't belong. It's not his fault he's overwhelmed by all of this and incapable(currently) of understanding the bigger issues let alone correcting them. Then you make the comment of every year while that's never been me. The positive I speak on and say what we have to look forward to and the negative I speak on and say what we have to look out for. It's not that difficult if all anyone chooses to see is the half empty approach... Guess giving people credit for comprehension and context is my issue alone. Like that one genius who keeps bringing up telemundo. News flash you ****** moron. I WAS KIDDING... The point was unless we're winning than no real money just like no real fans will get behind us. Just like you said yourself winning alot of football games is what makes people relevant... Let that sink in. I almost did it again and gave one of you dip****s credit for comprehension. What I meant by that comment is WE USED TO WIN LOTS OF FOOTBALL GAMES...

I'll bite.

What are the issues that Manny is not aware of and unable to understand? Is he really still that obtuse?
People unable to separate one from the other. Common sense and comprehending what's actually going on don't work well when the vast majority are simply groupies who can't break down what they see and why it's happening. It's Koo. No pressure
Groupie mentality man

That **** can never make u see straight that's why most the world are followers and drones. They can't get away from the pack no matter what pack it is
When you’re on here letting people know the kid is bigger better dealing us for Arizona State imo that’s not supporting. That’s giving Manny and to a lesser extent our program the middle finger

And for the record I have ZERO problems with that. It didn’t work out and he chose to leave as every player and his family should always have to the right to do without penalty or restrictions once in his career.

But if it’s a year later and you're on here crapping on the program I’m going to question the legitimacy of your opinions.
When a former player that played for out last elite coach says that it gives u insight to the program being run at Mickey mouse levels. That's good Intel IMO if a former player is saying that. It's no different when players were ripping Golden and we bought into it Buchanan did it and was applauded and rightfully so.

But u will have guys that defend the staph no matter if someone is sharing their personal experiences with the staph who controls our beloved team. I for one love this inside stuff even if it goes against what I believe.....if I'm all for staph or not I appreciate the good insight info and the bad. Then from there u form your own opinions on whether u think we r headed in the right or wrong directions.
When a former player that played for out last elite coach says that it gives u insight to the program being run at Mickey mouse levels. That's good Intel IMO if a former player is saying that. It's no different when players were ripping Golden and we bought into it Buchanan did it and was applauded and rightfully so.

But u will have guys that defend the staph no matter if someone is sharing their personal experiences with the staph who controls our beloved team. I for one love this inside stuff even if it goes against what I believe.....if I'm all for staph or not I appreciate the good insight info and the bad. Then from there u form your own opinions on whether u think we r headed in the right or wrong directions.
I didn’t want manny and wanted him canned. We are stuck now.
Alof of former players wanted Mario because he reminds them of butch and they weren’t going to accept any coach but Mario
When a former player that played for out last elite coach says that it gives u insight to the program being run at Mickey mouse levels. That's good Intel IMO if a former player is saying that. It's no different when players were ripping Golden and we bought into it Buchanan did it and was applauded and rightfully so.

But u will have guys that defend the staph no matter if someone is sharing their personal experiences with the staph who controls our beloved team. I for one love this inside stuff even if it goes against what I believe.....if I'm all for staph or not I appreciate the good insight info and the bad. Then from there u form your own opinions on whether u think we r headed in the right or wrong directions.

We had former players defend Shannon/Golden/Richt so I don’t see why we have to listen/believe a former player who bashes the current coach And resorts to making fun of said coaches lisp like a 5 year old
When a former player that played for out last elite coach says that it gives u insight to the program being run at Mickey mouse levels. That's good Intel IMO if a former player is saying that. It's no different when players were ripping Golden and we bought into it Buchanan did it and was applauded and rightfully so.

But u will have guys that defend the staph no matter if someone is sharing their personal experiences with the staph who controls our beloved team. I for one love this inside stuff even if it goes against what I believe.....if I'm all for staph or not I appreciate the good insight info and the bad. Then from there u form your own opinions on whether u think we r headed in the right or wrong directions.

Show me a single sentence in my posts to him where I defend this staff please.

Very interested to see if I’m somehow sending a misleading message.
When you’re on here letting people know the kid is bigger better dealing us for Arizona State imo that’s not supporting. That’s giving Manny and to a lesser extent our program the middle finger

The way last year played out, Manny should have gotten the middle finger.

And for the record I have ZERO problems with that. It didn’t work out and he chose to leave as every player and his family should always have to the right to do without penalty or restrictions once in his career.

But if it’s a year later and you're on here crapping on the program I’m going to question the legitimacy of your opinions.

A year later he stating "these staphs from board down INTENTIONALLY sabotage the program we still always do our part." Why shouldn't he bring them up. These people are still here doing what they do. Do you think they've had an epiphany and are operating in the best interest of the program? If so, then how did those Alonzo Highsmith discussions turn out? Do you think they wanted someone in place mucking up the works? They got the program right where they want, good enough to get a participation trophy and check from the ACC, not good enough to outshine them.
Last thing I'll say is you call him manure well manure isn't the problem... He's part of the issue yes. But it's not his fault that someone was put in a position that they don't belong. It's not his fault he's overwhelmed by all of this and incapable(currently) of understanding the bigger issues let alone correcting them. Then you make the comment of every year while that's never been me. The positive I speak on and say what we have to look forward to and the negative I speak on and say what we have to look out for. It's not that difficult if all anyone chooses to see is the half empty approach... Guess giving people credit for comprehension and context is my issue alone. Like that one genius who keeps bringing up telemundo. News flash you ****** moron. I WAS KIDDING... The point was unless we're winning than no real money just like no real fans will get behind us. Just like you said yourself winning alot of football games is what makes people relevant... Let that sink in. I almost did it again and gave one of you dip****s credit for comprehension. What I meant by that comment is WE USED TO WIN LOTS OF FOOTBALL GAMES...

I think an intervention is needed, Brooklyn. You used to be a lot nicer, my friend.
I didn’t want manny and wanted him canned. We are stuck now.
Alof of former players wanted Mario because he reminds them of butch and they weren’t going to accept any coach but Mario
As of year one results (so far) it seems Vilma and them boyz got fooled. Im saying so far so I dont offend anyone that loves Diaz cause I know its a sensitive subject.
We had former players defend Shannon/Golden/Richt so I don’t see why we have to listen/believe a former player who bashes the current coach And resorts to making fun of said coaches lisp like a 5 year old
Yea but he doesnt have to get ripped for bringing us the scoop, its not like hes some fake insider.
Show me a single sentence in my posts to him where I defend this staff please.

Very interested to see if I’m somehow sending a misleading message.
I never said u Im just replying to the whole thread in general, im not accusing u just the current convo all in all. Does that make sense or I didnt bail myself out? If not ill take the L
Are you saying the past staffs were intentionally sabotaging the program or the BoT/Admin was intentionally sabotaging the program?

I have seen the latter with my own two eyes, but I just can't imagine the former happening. Sure, we've had some straight up negligently stupid staph members in the last 20 years, but I never believed they were trying to ruin UM football on purpose. You'd obviously know better than me on this point, and I'm honestly just asking for clarification. Also, glad to see you are back up and running, man.
They may not have been trying to ruin UM football, they were trying to save their jobs and ruined UM football in the process (IMO of course).
Very true on JJ after year 1 if there was social media. Booch wouldn't have survived after his first few seasons. That's a guarantee.

It's a tough racket now, and it's much tougher when the legion of doom gets you in their crosshairs. I'm not trying to be a hypocrite because I would have fired Manure after the FIU game. But we didn't fire him. So, I'm going to dust myself off and be a fan again. If we tank again, I'll be right there screaming for Manure's head.

I'm just not wired in a way that lets me have no hope. If I thought it was truly a hopeless situation and there was no joy left in this for me, I'd probably find something else to do with my free time.
I don't know about that. Given the size of the sanctions, Butch would have certainly got some time to turn things around ... but not much. Fortunately, the UCLA game was the year following the 6-7 year. Just look how much free reign Golden got and those sanctions weren't as heavy. He even got a contract extension out of it.

Edit. Saw "Booch" and thought this was about Butch Davis. I just want to add as far as JJ, Sam Jankovich was still AD. We've had such a string of weak AD's that many don't remember what it's like to have a strong one. Strong doesn't necessarily mean unreasonable. He would of given him some slack because he knew what JJ was dealing with, an inherited staff with several that weren't on the same page with him (since he was the one stipulate that JJ retain the staff). He let JJ bring in his own staff and we know what happened afterwards
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I don't know about that. Given the size of the sanctions, Butch would have certainly got some time to turn things around ... but not much. Fortunately, the UCLA game was the year following the 6-7 year. Just look how much free reign Golden got and those sanctions weren't as heavy. He even got a contract extension out of it.
Booch was much closer in time to our glory years when fans still had super high expectations. He was on the hot seat even before social media. He would have been dead during this era given where we were as a program when he took over. Erickson lost 2 games his first year, and everyone was calling for his head. Legit calling for his head.