James Williams is not hurt

I would love to see him wrap up instead of going for the highlight hits. Can't speak on him being out of position because we don't know what his assignment was. That's what people here don't realize. Yall probably never played football and don't know what his assignment could've been. But I would love to see him wrap up and become a better tackler. He is a true sophomore. Those dudes never used to play on the great Miami teams because they were on the bench while the stud juniors and seniors were playing.
Now I agree with the he needs to wrap up more but everyone else who has negative comments about JW0 kan drive off a kliff
I was most amused by his Stag Leap flailing at the ball that was caught inside the five yard line on the second touchdown Drive
Dude skips to every hit he could have on a QB. He aint bad in coverage but he is scared to tackle. His super model frame is a weakness.
A guy that doesnt like to get physical /wrap up on tackles is going to move to an ultra physical position and succeed?.
I told James he was a DE when he was a sophomore it didnt go over well. lol
TJ Watt as physical as he is is always hurt as well just like his bro JJ.

But James is what he is ....a Deablo (vt) Jayron Kearse type...just a big safety that you can play closer to the line of scrimmage at times and have guard tes and spy qbs. He isnt a true lb or an OLB rush end. He wont be it either or suceed at it.
“Physical” in name only… the Steelers last year were the WORST if not next worst run defense in the league.

Meaning their whole front 7 was SOFT yet they paid that boy because he could get the **** stat…. Sacks. JW0 needs to see his money spot and make that money

I came on here and said he was a bad tackler after his Columbus game in high school, when Harry Parrish had him on skates all night. And of course I got called crazy. 🙄

For all his size and stature, he is not physical.

He's what I refer to as "conveniently physical".
I've coached quite a few kids like this.
If somebody doesn't see him, or he has a chance to suplex somebody, he'll be physical. But when it comes to actually squaring up and getting his whole body involved in tackling, he has zero desire to do it.
I came on here and said he was a bad tackler after his Columbus game in high school, when Harry Parrish had him on skates all night. And of course I got called crazy. 🙄

For all his size and stature, he is not physical.

He's what I refer to as "conveniently physical".
I've coached quite a few kids like this.
If somebody doesn't see him, or he has a chance to suplex somebody, he'll be physical. But when it comes to actually squaring up and getting his whole body involved in tackling, he has zero desire to do it.
What’s wrong with rooster??

Injury?? Or what
I would be happy if we could just get Redwine and Johnson level of play. Avantae and James have to be the highest rated duo at safety we have had in IDK how many years.
Have to be our highest rated DB duo ever coming in.
I came on here and said he was a bad tackler after his Columbus game in high school, when Harry Parrish had him on skates all night. And of course I got called crazy. 🙄

For all his size and stature, he is not physical.

He's what I refer to as "conveniently physical".
I've coached quite a few kids like this.
If somebody doesn't see him, or he has a chance to suplex somebody, he'll be physical. But when it comes to actually squaring up and getting his whole body involved in tackling, he has zero desire to do it.
That last part is the best **** description of what I’ve seen from him yet
I came on here and said he was a bad tackler after his Columbus game in high school, when Harry Parrish had him on skates all night. And of course I got called crazy. 🙄

For all his size and stature, he is not physical.

He's what I refer to as "conveniently physical".
I've coached quite a few kids like this.
If somebody doesn't see him, or he has a chance to suplex somebody, he'll be physical. But when it comes to actually squaring up and getting his whole body involved in tackling, he has zero desire to do it.
I mean i always tell them the same when its brought up as him as a backer...and you know ive watched him n been around him longer than anybody.

Its just taking longer to coach him out of the bad habits he has tackling and him getting his leverage down...James is all upperbody when tackling or shouler bumping...that has worked his entire football career because he is always been bigger than everyone else. He has 2 more years to progress...Continue using him as a swiss army knife and he will be productive as he gets comfortable.
I came on here and said he was a bad tackler after his Columbus game in high school, when Harry Parrish had him on skates all night. And of course I got called crazy. 🙄

For all his size and stature, he is not physical.

He's what I refer to as "conveniently physical".
I've coached quite a few kids like this.
If somebody doesn't see him, or he has a chance to suplex somebody, he'll be physical. But when it comes to actually squaring up and getting his whole body involved in tackling, he has zero desire to do it.
C’mon Macho!

Can’t you see how he rag dolls guys? 😉
One thing I had to realize and maybe more ppl should..... He is not and will not ever be Isaiah Simmons. The intellect just isn't there. Still can be a great player tho but I think it'll fit him best if he sticks and key on to just one position. Learn that as best as he can and maybe he'll be able to play with a better flow.
Near the end of the game, I had the thought this was his worst game as a Cane. Mental mistakes, missed tackles, and just looked uncomfortable/lost majority of the game. Just bad.