James Morgan, FIU Qb.....

And just like that.. this thread became political. Mods u better be on standby!

Actually, it is an education thing. While politics have certainly virtually over run education, the effectiveness of education results can be discussed, although the divide we live in makes it difficult. In my opinion, UM Law turned out much better litigation and tax lawyers than those schools.
Actually, it is an education thing. While politics have certainly virtually over run education, the effectiveness of education results can be discussed, although the divide we live in makes it difficult. In my opinion, UM Law turned out much better litigation and tax lawyers than those schools.
That's what you meant by "Yeah, but you get a serious brainwashing at Columbia that most never recover from. In my experience IV grads end up with very narrow perspective and limited vision"? Seems like a far cry from "UM turns out better litigators and tax lawyers." LOL.. Especially when we weren't even talking about laws school to begin with.

In any event, I will agree with you that law schools like Columbia don't focus a whole lot on litigation and practical advocacy. They seem more focused on preparing their students for academia and appellate law. A few end up being good litigators, but in those schools you really have to go out of your way to seek out the opportunities that will give you litigation experience (e.g., internships/clinics where you will actually be representing clients and arguing in front of a judge, negotiation competitions, basic pre-trial motion-writing and strategy (not just massive appellate memoranda), etc.).

But we digress!
does this name ring a bell to any fans on this board that follow recruiting?

Yes it's that same James Morgan who Corch Coley couldn't convince to leave his Bowling Green commitment to come to Miami. When he failed to convince Morgan he reached out to bum *** Evan Shirreffs asking him to leave his Colombia offer to come to Miami. We get to see Morgan as the FIU starting Qb this saturday.

Tell me how Corch Coley became some master 5 star Qb and other position recruiting guru at UGA again? That's right $$$$$$$$$$$$$.
He took a class in relation$hip$.
First person to flunk out of my UM law school class had a degree from Columbia. Like Gatorhater, I never lost in court to anyone with an Ivy League degree. A degree from an Ivy League school may open more doors but it doesn't guarantee success once in the door.
That's what you meant by "Yeah, but you get a serious brainwashing at Columbia that most never recover from. In my experience IV grads end up with very narrow perspective and limited vision"? Seems like a far cry from "UM turns out better litigators and tax lawyers." LOL.. Especially when we weren't even talking about laws school to begin with.

In any event, I will agree with you that law schools like Columbia don't focus a whole lot on litigation and practical advocacy. They seem more focused on preparing their students for academia and appellate law. A few end up being good litigators, but in those schools you really have to go out of your way to seek out the opportunities that will give you litigation experience (e.g., internships/clinics where you will actually be representing clients and arguing in front of a judge, negotiation competitions, basic pre-trial motion-writing and strategy (not just massive appellate memoranda), etc.).

But we digress!

The brainwashing is an education issue. The narrow scope of these schools result in more closed minds as opposed to the classical education which sought to open minds. Today critical thinking and problem solving have been replaced with getting along with the crowd, Individual thought with group think. If that statement is political it is because the education system itself is political. Do to the influence of the German ‘48ers, our education system was based primarily on the Prussian model and focused on creating the type of graduate the government wanted or needed. It is and has been a creature of politics.