Jake O'Donnell

Welcome Mr. O'Donnell!

True story: When I first heard about Jake in the summer of 2011, I asked some people who were at the camp about his performance. They said, "The guy with the hot mom? He's a stud!"


Thanks for the warm welcome. His Mom is hot - I married her but don't tell Jake...hahaha....
Welcome, Kr!

I'm excited about Jake - the kid looks like he has a great frame and can add on another 20-30 lbs with ease to be an intimidating 260-270 pound DE. Love those kinds, especially the ones with the nasty streak!

It's funny, but all the white DEs we've had here at UM, they all have had a tremendous nasty streak. Best of luck to him!
Antrel Rolle's mom might have been the GOAT Cane parent message board poster. She also was a lot of fun at the road game tailgates back ion the day.
His official nickname is "Irish" Jake O'Donnell...I will hear nothing else.

If we can somehow land another mick on the other end, we can call them "Bangers and Mash".

Jake Odonnell looks ot be a beast...hopefully he gets in to the rotation some this year....and breaks out next year.

Kr made a great choice sending him down here to the u.....

Right now he is different than any end we currently have size wise...(maybe Jelani)...if he works like Chick..and shows the motor we've heard about...sky is the limit.
Nice to see Papa O'Donnel is on the board. Tell your son that we expect great things from him and to stick very close to Chick and eat whatever the **** he ate during the offseason. My goodness.....two white beasts comI g off the edge at the U would be scary