Confirmed Jahmile Addae

Never did I say Raymond preferred Miami. But to insinuate that he never tried to get the job despite UF already being on the table is false. My sole argument is that there was 0 scenario where Raymond is employed by Miami and jumps ship to another school "cuz he's an SEC guy". Raymond didn't have an opportunity to gauge a bid process because Mario planned to stick with T-Rob, therefore there was no job opening and no conversation further. So again, when Raymond contacted Miami, the UF job was already open. There was NO reason or ounce of sense, if allowed to, going through the interview process with Miami AND UF + others, accepting Miami job, then jumping ship anyways.

You keep going with this myth. There was no "Mario planned to stick with T-Rob", as Mario had not even had the time to meet with his UM assistant coaches, let alone evaluate whether he wanted to retain any of them.

First, Mario doesn't have a great history with T-Rob. It's not like his loyalty to Mirabal. There was no Day 0 pre-existing plan to retain T-Rob.

Second, Mario's hiring was announced on Monday, December 6th. Mario's introductory press conference was on Tuesday, December 7th. Raymond's hiring by the Gaytors was announced on Wednesday, December 8th. There was, quite literally, no time for Mario to have arrived at some sort of "retain T-Rob" decision, particularly when you look at how much time it took him to hire an unemployed DC (Steele). Come on, now.

Third, the whole concept of "Mario planned to stick with T-Rob" is not supported by the way that Mario handled his "retention" or "hiring". It was never announced. ****, T-Rob was the MOST qualified of the remaining UM coaches from 2021, he should have been the FIRST announced "retention hiring". But Mario never did so, and it's because he always knew that T-Rob was considering and would take another great offer over staying at UM. Now, in addition to that, T-Rob lied about his intentions and decisions, but that came later. Even in December, Mario knew that T-Rob was likely to bounce back to a good SEC lateral job offer, which is EXACTLY why Mario never announced that he retained T-Rob.

Finally, the idea that "there was no job opening and no conversation further" is also not supported by what actually happened, or even the timeline. Mario (and Miami) fielded a TON of calls from interested coaches, and Mario DID return some of these calls. At the time Mario called Raymond, Mario had no idea if any of the remaining UM coaches wanted to stick with him, and he had no idea if he wanted to keep any of them. He spoke to Raymond and would have interviewed Raymond and eventually offered him a job IF THERE HAD BEEN MORE TIME. Mario doesn't love T-Rob. But in the 24 hours between Mario's press conference and Raymond's UiF announcement, that's when Raymond finalized his deal with UiF. If the substance of Mario's conversation was "no job opening and no conversation further", then the subject of Raymond's pending deal with the Gaytors never arises. But it did. Because there WOULD HAVE been a job opening if Raymond was willing to wait to inverview with Miami. But if Raymond did that, then he would have lost a sure-thing deal with UiF. And Raymond wasn't willing to do that.

It's not a "bid process". This isn't eBay. These were job offers. Raymond got a job offer from Gaypier, and he didn't want to wait for Mario to interview him while losing the Gaytor job offer. It's just that simple, and it has nothing to do with "getting more money" or some sort of a "bidding process".

Bird in the hand. Raymond took it. No big mystery. UM was the unfortunate victim of bad timing.

I usually don’t interject myself into ****ing contests, but when I see one, I always ask myself “Why does it matter”? Fact of the matter is Raymond is a gayturd. How he got there is of no consequence to Miami and the ONLY person that really knows what happened is Mario.

While I can agree with your ultimate conclusion, I also wonder what the agenda is for the "We blew it with Corey Raymond" bros. They just keep harping on this guy's name 2 months after he jumped on the Gaypier job offer.
You keep going with this myth. There was no "Mario planned to stick with T-Rob", as Mario had not even had the time to meet with his UM assistant coaches, let alone evaluate whether he wanted to retain any of them.

First, Mario doesn't have a great history with T-Rob. It's not like his loyalty to Mirabal. There was no Day 0 pre-existing plan to retain T-Rob.

Second, Mario's hiring was announced on Monday, December 6th. Mario's introductory press conference was on Tuesday, December 7th. Raymond's hiring by the Gaytors was announced on Wednesday, December 8th. There was, quite literally, no time for Mario to have arrived at some sort of "retain T-Rob" decision, particularly when you look at how much time it took him to hire an unemployed DC (Steele). Come on, now.

Third, the whole concept of "Mario planned to stick with T-Rob" is not supported by the way that Mario handled his "retention" or "hiring". It was never announced. ****, T-Rob was the MOST qualified of the remaining UM coaches from 2021, he should have been the FIRST announced "retention hiring". But Mario never did so, and it's because he always knew that T-Rob was considering and would take another great offer over staying at UM. Now, in addition to that, T-Rob lied about his intentions and decisions, but that came later. Even in December, Mario knew that T-Rob was likely to bounce back to a good SEC lateral job offer, which is EXACTLY why Mario never announced that he retained T-Rob.

Finally, the idea that "there was no job opening and no conversation further" is also not supported by what actually happened, or even the timeline. Mario (and Miami) fielded a TON of calls from interested coaches, and Mario DID return some of these calls. At the time Mario called Raymond, Mario had no idea if any of the remaining UM coaches wanted to stick with him, and he had no idea if he wanted to keep any of them. He spoke to Raymond and would have interviewed Raymond and eventually offered him a job IF THERE HAD BEEN MORE TIME. Mario doesn't love T-Rob. But in the 24 hours between Mario's press conference and Raymond's UiF announcement, that's when Raymond finalized his deal with UiF. If the substance of Mario's conversation was "no job opening and no conversation further", then the subject of Raymond's pending deal with the Gaytors never arises. But it did. Because there WOULD HAVE been a job opening if Raymond was willing to wait to inverview with Miami. But if Raymond did that, then he would have lost a sure-thing deal with UiF. And Raymond wasn't willing to do that.

It's not a "bid process". This isn't eBay. These were job offers. Raymond got a job offer from Gaypier, and he didn't want to wait for Mario to interview him while losing the Gaytor job offer. It's just that simple, and it has nothing to do with "getting more money" or some sort of a "bidding process".

Bird in the hand. Raymond took it. No big mystery. UM was the unfortunate victim of bad timing.
Blame Oregon for making it to the conference championship, we should have had Manny fired a week earlier.
How long do you think it takes to make a phone call?
Yes, his first order of business on the Gulfstream late Monday evening, early Tuesday morning eastern was to call Corey Raymond. Hey Corey, I am firing TRob sight unseen in my first official act as head coach. We've never meet but I've heard great things about you. Can you be in Coral Gables by noon? My presser is Wednesday but I'd like to interview you tomorrow at 1 pm. Mario, you have 12 hours to decide or I am going to accept Forida's offer.
I thought we already knew what DVD was doing?

Weren't there reports a few weeks ago that DVD was deciding between and on-field roll with FIU and an off-field roll with UM?

Never heard of him leaving for that FIU gig so I'd concluded he was choosing the off-field roll (with likely higher pay as well) at UM.

Granted, that was before T-Rob left, but I don't think it would be any different now with Addae moving into T-Rob's spot.

DVD seems content to stay at UM at least until something better than FIU comes calling.
While I can agree with your ultimate conclusion, I also wonder what the agenda is for the "We blew it with Corey Raymond" bros. They just keep harping on this guy's name 2 months after he jumped on the Gaypier job offer.
Mostly same group that brings up Steele's game in 2012 OB or Gattis sucked with Joe Milton in 2020 or Coach Joe cannot recruit. As I've said our village is filled with idiots (and malcontents).
Yes, his first order of business on the Gulfstream late Monday evening, early Tuesday morning eastern was to call Corey Raymond. Hey Corey, I am firing TRob sight unseen in my first official act as head coach. We've never meet but I've heard great things about you. Can you be in Coral Gables by noon? My presser is Wednesday but I'd like to interview you tomorrow at 1 pm. Mario, you have 12 hours to decide or I am going to accept Forida's offer.

Yes, I definitely said Mario contacted him, and not the other way around.
Don't think DVD wants to uproot his family right now. His son is a stud athlete who hopefully follows his father's footsteps in a few years. Class of 2029 :)

These were job offers. Raymond got a job offer from Gaypier, and he didn't want to wait for Mario to make a decision on if he was sticking with T-Rob or not and miss out on the Gator offer. It's just that simple, and it has nothing to do with "getting more money" or some sort of a "bidding process".

Bird in the hand. Raymond took it. No big mystery. UM was the unfortunate victim of bad timing.
Fixed it for you. Mario didn't know if he was keeping T-Rob or not when contacted. How hard is this to understand?
SIAP, but here's my take with the Addae hiring on what I'd like to see to fill out the defensive on field position coaches. Curious what people think?

Here's what we've got so far for coordinators and position coaches:
  • Offense
    • OC - Gattis
    • OL - Mirabal
    • RB - Smith
    • QB - Open
    • WR - Open
    • TE - Field/Open
  • Defense
    • DC - Steele
    • DL - Salave'a
    • DB - Addae
    • Open
It's certainly possible that one of the offensive position coaching roles gets combined, such as TE/WR, or QB/WR, or QB/TE. In that case, it would free up another spot for defense.

I feel strongly that we need to have a strong Special Teams coordinator. Let's call it a Game Changer Coordinator, just for fun. Given Steele's background at LB, what I'd like to see is someone who can come in and take over special teams and also help out at LB coach. This keeps DVD in an off field role, which I think is still most appropriate at this time. Nothing wrong with grooming him to take over DB's for Addae if/when Addae moves on to something bigger in a few years, but for now, those 10 on-field roles are too important to be filled by DVD until he's got enough experience to take over on his own.

As for offense, I don't see why we can't get Coley to coach QB's and co-OC passing game coordinator or something like that. Nabbing Coley would be massive for credibility and recruiting, and I would think the pay raise we could offer, as well as the path to replacing Gattis after a season or two as OC would be extremely attractive.

One thing I didn't take into account is the potential that Gattis also coaches WR's, but in my opinion, it would be better if neither coordinator had full and direct position group responsibilities.

Staff is rounding out quite nicely. We need to continue to get the best of the best, and in particular, we need a difference maker coaching special teams and truly focusing on game planning and coming up with creative scenarios to utilize special teams situations as the fulcrum point to change games.

What do you think?
Blame Oregon for making it to the conference championship, we should have had Manny fired a week earlier.

Relatively accurate.

Everyone knows I'm no fan of the Gaytors or Gaypier. But the fact remains, Gaypier pursued Corey Raymond and made him a priority in a way that Miami could not until Mario arrived in Miami on the Mas brothers' private jet.

Gaypier used "Louisiana, bro" and "SEC-SEC-SEC" and "you'll have a chance to rub Brian Kelly's face in it" to maximum effect.

Plus, "if you don't take this offer, we have to move on to our next recruit".
SIAP, but here's my take with the Addae hiring on what I'd like to see to fill out the defensive on field position coaches. Curious what people think?

Here's what we've got so far for coordinators and position coaches:
  • Offense
    • OC - Gattis
    • OL - Mirabal
    • RB - Smith
    • QB - Open
    • WR - Open
    • TE - Field/Open
  • Defense
    • DC - Steele
    • DL - Salave'a
    • DB - Addae
    • Open
It's certainly possible that one of the offensive position coaching roles gets combined, such as TE/WR, or QB/WR, or QB/TE. In that case, it would free up another spot for defense.

I feel strongly that we need to have a strong Special Teams coordinator. Let's call it a Game Changer Coordinator, just for fun. Given Steele's background at LB, what I'd like to see is someone who can come in and take over special teams and also help out at LB coach. This keeps DVD in an off field role, which I think is still most appropriate at this time. Nothing wrong with grooming him to take over DB's for Addae if/when Addae moves on to something bigger in a few years, but for now, those 10 on-field roles are too important to be filled by DVD until he's got enough experience to take over on his own.

As for offense, I don't see why we can't get Coley to coach QB's and co-OC passing game coordinator or something like that. Nabbing Coley would be massive for credibility and recruiting, and I would think the pay raise we could offer, as well as the path to replacing Gattis after a season or two as OC would be extremely attractive.

One thing I didn't take into account is the potential that Gattis also coaches WR's, but in my opinion, it would be better if neither coordinator had full and direct position group responsibilities.

Staff is rounding out quite nicely. We need to continue to get the best of the best, and in particular, we need a difference maker coaching special teams and truly focusing on game planning and coming up with creative scenarios to utilize special teams situations as the fulcrum point to change games.

What do you think?
He's not leaving Jimbo again unless it's for an OC gig where he has full autonomy. Not happening.
Fixed it for you. Mario didn't know if he was keeping T-Rob or not when contacted. How hard is this to understand?

So now you are revising your prior statements?

Wasn't this what you said a few minutes ago: "Mario planned to stick with T-Rob"? Yes. Yes it was.

You're spinning so fast that you've made yourself dizzy.
While I can agree with your ultimate conclusion, I also wonder what the agenda is for the "We blew it with Corey Raymond" bros. They just keep harping on this guy's name 2 months after he jumped on the Gaypier job offer.

My whole point of this argument is not "we missed out on Raymond". The singular point in all my posts is that yes, he was interested, and no, he wouldn't have accepted the Miami job just to jump at an SEC job right after...he would've flat out chosen any of the other offers because they were available at the time.

Edit: Read the original post that I responded to that started this whole argument.
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He's not leaving Jimbo again unless it's for an OC gig where he has full autonomy. Not happening.
That's fair, but at least we'd offer a path to that, which he doesn't have at A&M. Based on my understanding of what we've paid so far, we could also overpay for him.

I'm probably just being myopic because I'm going off of the names that I know, and in Coley's case, mostly because he seems to be an elite recruiter, less so because of my perception of his coaching abilities. I am certainly no expert on the coaching ranks. Who are the great QB coaches out there that we could poach?
DVD got clowned by the kids. He needs to cut his teeth before he’s on the field

DVD is wrong for letting it get like that if its true, but all I can think of is the fact that our group of corners outside of Rique aren't in any position to clown anyone. Let alone someone who was drafted top 3 rounds and stuck in the league for a while

At least accomplish something on the field first
My whole point of this argument is not "we missed out on Raymond". The singular point in all my posts is that yes, he was interested, and no, he wouldn't have accepted the Miami job just to jump at an SEC job right after...he would've flat out chosen any of the other offers because they were available at the time.






It's just bizarre. You keep talking about this fictitious "bidding process" and you reference "any of the other offers" that were "available at the time". But as has been discussed over and over again (without you accepting it), Corey Raymond had one job offer (UiF) and one possible lead (UM) and nothing else at the time he made the decision. Raymond moved quickly. Raymond took the first and only job offer on the table. He took the offer so rapidly that NOBODY else had a chance to interview him, let alone offer him money.

Why are Corey Raymond Bros still talking about Corey Raymond?