I said to my sweetheart, the 3 horses hanging mid race will lung it fora win.
One of them did, nice work.
Still here crazy legs, We are coming out again next year. FSU? Or a bigger game?
Easy tough guys, last game was West End Zone near Trooper dude. Gators. Canes Win.
Who is up for beers 2018.
No I have not slept yet. And yes I bang a size 4-6 Five 11 blond (early post of crappings). Not ishing you, And we have 5 cars with house. 2 9mm's on the trigger and an 85 lb American Bulldog that does not play when irritated.
That's me, who's you?
Miami 2018 Canes, beers, friendship, brotherhood. let me know.
One of them did, nice work.
Still here crazy legs, We are coming out again next year. FSU? Or a bigger game?
Easy tough guys, last game was West End Zone near Trooper dude. Gators. Canes Win.
Who is up for beers 2018.
No I have not slept yet. And yes I bang a size 4-6 Five 11 blond (early post of crappings). Not ishing you, And we have 5 cars with house. 2 9mm's on the trigger and an 85 lb American Bulldog that does not play when irritated.
That's me, who's you?
Miami 2018 Canes, beers, friendship, brotherhood. let me know.