It's been discussed before...but why would any minority

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This is a pretty dumb topic. But I will go out on a limb and guess that minorities may go to Bama because they are winning, well coached, and are putting a ton of people in the NFL every year. And as long as Saban is there, that train ain't slowing down much.

But, then again, I don't look for the boogy-racist man hiding under the bed at every turn.

I never said that there aren't racist ppl in each fan base. That would be dumb. The school and teams can not control who their fans are. And ppl comparing Bama to NYC or saying that Miami fans are racist as ****....come on guys lets be serious here. These are on 2 different levels. Racism should not be tolerated in any fashion. But if you watch the video this is bigger than just sports at Bama. there is an entire culture there of bigotry and segregation.

Yes student athletes get privileges at every university and get to be in social circles they might not other wise. But how many universities (in non confederate states) are holding segregated pool parties?

I'm not on some MLK everyone is my brother ****. I'm just saying that it too bad these kids are blinded by the allure of millions, and a little bit of fame that they cant see what's happening right under their noses.
when you see it…


OMG. No they didn't! LOL. They photoshopped a black dude's head onto a white boy's body. I mean, wow. Is that real?

The A on the gowns actually looks more like Arkansas's A than Bama's.
I ask this question in the barber shop every week. It's a **** shame.

I'm no Jesse Jackson, but **** I would love to see just 1 5* big time recruit come out and say. You know what "I was considering Alabama but after doing some research and finding out how racist the majority of the student body is, i decided not to attend an institution with that type of reputation".

I mean **** 13 mythical National titles on the sweat of blacks and whites alike and off the field they still cant get it right. And ppl thought Phillip Sims would get a fair shake there lol. Granted he SUCKS but he was never going to be given a chance anyways.

Phillip Sims didn't start because he wasn't good enough. The fans may be racist, but do you think Nick Saban gives a **** what color his players are? Get that nonsense out of here.

Saban may not care, but the first time a black quarterback throws a pick in a big game he'll be called n!gger and coon and about every other racist name in the book by about 75% of the stadium and they'll start yelling to get his black *** out of the game. I've been in that stadium when it happened to Andrew Zow who was a lot better QB than Tyler Watts but only got a fraction of the playing time.

A white QB gets 10 times more slack from Bama fans. That's just how it's always been and how it will always be. I can't wait to see what happens with the QB situation next year there.
Just go back into ESPN boards when OSU was beaten by USC...that so called Great Northern ST had a racial hay day with Terrel Pryor.....the OSU fans went off...
Honestly, if recruits read this or the westendzone boards they'd get the impression that UM is the same way. Comments that can be construed as racist, prejudiced or whatever you want to call them are constantly being made, yet these same folks love their Canes football team and players - 80-90% are Black.

Maybe just me, but there is a difference in ni**a and ni**er
My family and I are going to Mississippi for Christmas to visit and stay with family. I have a 11 yr old black kid who I have taken in, and treat like a son. I am honestly worried about him hearing or family saying something I don't like. They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas. Smile to your face call you a n***** to your back. Never not met a racist there. I spent half of my childhood there.

I'm not defending Alabama, but come on that's a little extreme. I live in Tennessee and work in North Georgia, and sure there are racists in Tennessee and in Georgia, but to say "They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas" is ignorant and stupid. I'd say there are as many racists in Miami. A lot of the Cuban-Americans I grew up with were as racist or more racist than people I know here. Yes there are racists here, but it's not 1960. Maybe out in the middle of nowhere, but go to the cities, and the college campuses and that stuff is not rampant. It exists, and Ole Miss can be bad, and I won't defend them, but to make blanket statements like that is wrong. Sorry, you're acting ignorant. And, I'm not a "Southerner." I was born in Maryland, and grew up in Miami, but have lived in New Orleans, Tallahassee, Chattanooga, as well as Baltimore and Miami, and honestly, Miami and Baltimore were the 2 most racist cities I lived in.

Ignorant is saying they are all racist. Lived in Alabama and miss area for 7-8 yrs of mylife , and I go back annually. I am primarily from a college town. It is a tri city area in Alabama.
A few questions for you
1. Are you black or white
2 if you are white ,are most of your relationships mostly business? If so that explains your experience.

I can say with complete confidence, that I can not think of anyone I have met in that area that don't refer to blacks as n***ers , when in a comfortable setting. ,

Now it has gotten better but most are still racist in the bama/miss area. Guess I can't speak for tenn/ ga.

And what was said was all of Tenn and GA (as well as MS and AL). I am white, but I teach African-American History at the college level. Because of that I was asked to be and serve as a board member of the local chapter of the NAACP in the town where I teach. I am involved in the political scence in the city where I live. I am well versed in race relations here. It's not perfect at all, and I won't for one second pretend to know what it's like to be an African-American living here, or anywhere in the South, or anywhere in the US for that matter. But I stand by what I said above. There is as much racism in Miami as there is in Chattanooga. There is as much racism in Baltimore as there is in Atlanta. Not every person in Tennessee or GA is Riley Copper. That was what I was responding to. I've never lived in MS or AL, so I won't (and didn't) speak to that.

Lastly, trust me, I see racism, and deal with it from some of my white students when I teach about the civil rights movement. I had a student bring in her "brother's" KKK handbook. But that's not the entire population, and she was from a small rural mountain community an hour away from the school. I'm not blind, trust me, I know racism exists, and I know it's not always people like Riley Cooper being blatant about it. Sometimes the worst racists are the ones who don't know or dont't think they're being racist. "I'm not racist, I have a black friend." Anyway, my whole point was, blanket generalizations on both sides are ignorant.

Oh, and I was called "the black professor" and on rate my professor it actually says that I hate white people.

Much respect to you. Do you think anyone who knows you will drop the n word around you knowing who you are and what you do ? No.
Way mor are racist in that area than you think. I promise.
My family and I are going to Mississippi for Christmas to visit and stay with family. I have a 11 yr old black kid who I have taken in, and treat like a son. I am honestly worried about him hearing or family saying something I don't like. They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas. Smile to your face call you a n***** to your back. Never not met a racist there. I spent half of my childhood there.

I'm not defending Alabama, but come on that's a little extreme. I live in Tennessee and work in North Georgia, and sure there are racists in Tennessee and in Georgia, but to say "They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas" is ignorant and stupid. I'd say there are as many racists in Miami. A lot of the Cuban-Americans I grew up with were as racist or more racist than people I know here. Yes there are racists here, but it's not 1960. Maybe out in the middle of nowhere, but go to the cities, and the college campuses and that stuff is not rampant. It exists, and Ole Miss can be bad, and I won't defend them, but to make blanket statements like that is wrong. Sorry, you're acting ignorant. And, I'm not a "Southerner." I was born in Maryland, and grew up in Miami, but have lived in New Orleans, Tallahassee, Chattanooga, as well as Baltimore and Miami, and honestly, Miami and Baltimore were the 2 most racist cities I lived in.

Ignorant is saying they are all racist. Lived in Alabama and miss area for 7-8 yrs of mylife , and I go back annually. I am primarily from a college town. It is a tri city area in Alabama.
A few questions for you
1. Are you black or white
2 if you are white ,are most of your relationships mostly business? If so that explains your experience.

I can say with complete confidence, that I can not think of anyone I have met in that area that don't refer to blacks as n***ers , when in a comfortable setting. ,

Now it has gotten better but most are still racist in the bama/miss area. Guess I can't speak for tenn/ ga.

And what was said was all of Tenn and GA (as well as MS and AL). I am white, but I teach African-American History at the college level. Because of that I was asked to be and serve as a board member of the local chapter of the NAACP in the town where I teach. I am involved in the political scence in the city where I live. I am well versed in race relations here. It's not perfect at all, and I won't for one second pretend to know what it's like to be an African-American living here, or anywhere in the South, or anywhere in the US for that matter. But I stand by what I said above. There is as much racism in Miami as there is in Chattanooga. There is as much racism in Baltimore as there is in Atlanta. Not every person in Tennessee or GA is Riley Copper. That was what I was responding to. I've never lived in MS or AL, so I won't (and didn't) speak to that.

Lastly, trust me, I see racism, and deal with it from some of my white students when I teach about the civil rights movement. I had a student bring in her "brother's" KKK handbook. But that's not the entire population, and she was from a small rural mountain community an hour away from the school. I'm not blind, trust me, I know racism exists, and I know it's not always people like Riley Cooper being blatant about it. Sometimes the worst racists are the ones who don't know or dont't think they're being racist. "I'm not racist, I have a black friend." Anyway, my whole point was, blanket generalizations on both sides are ignorant.

Oh, and I was called "the black professor" and on rate my professor it actually says that I hate white people.


Those are the ones that kill me lol.
I could have sworn that the tolerant, enlightened members of the NYPD just settled another profiling lawsuit for detaining a black man and accusing him of fraudulently using a credit card when he had done nothing wrong and they had no reason to suspect he had.

I find most of the people that claim Alabama is so bad have never been there.

Been there. Been to most of the South. I think nearly 40 states actually. There is racism in every single state, every single city, every single town in America. Boston is pretty bad, IMO as a Northern example.

But anyone who says its not far, far worse in the South is lying. There is a facade of tolerance that's promoted, but you get a bunch of white people alone, god forbid they have a few beers in them... truth comes out. Not everyone, but a **** of a lot more than most everywhere else. I mean, there are members of this site that in their lifetimes, we're legally entitled to make a black person get up out of a seat on a bus. Use a different water fountain. Be banned from certain businesses based on color.

This is not 200 years ago! This is less than 50 years ago.

I agree.

No disrespect to those on the board, I would never intentionally go to Alabama. It is part of a bunch of places where I would never go in this country. But to say that all places are the same, is not fair because it is simply not true. No one is denying that racism doesn't occur in every city but to say NYC is even similar to Bama is insane.

To be clear, I'm not saying they are similar. I live in NYC. Its certainly one of the least racist places in America. That said, there is racism everywhere. The NYPD story earlier in this thread for instance. My point was while there is racism everywhere, its 10x worse in the deep South.
My family and I are going to Mississippi for Christmas to visit and stay with family. I have a 11 yr old black kid who I have taken in, and treat like a son. I am honestly worried about him hearing or family saying something I don't like. They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas. Smile to your face call you a n***** to your back. Never not met a racist there. I spent half of my childhood there.

I'm not defending Alabama, but come on that's a little extreme. I live in Tennessee and work in North Georgia, and sure there are racists in Tennessee and in Georgia, but to say "They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas" is ignorant and stupid. I'd say there are as many racists in Miami. A lot of the Cuban-Americans I grew up with were as racist or more racist than people I know here. Yes there are racists here, but it's not 1960. Maybe out in the middle of nowhere, but go to the cities, and the college campuses and that stuff is not rampant. It exists, and Ole Miss can be bad, and I won't defend them, but to make blanket statements like that is wrong. Sorry, you're acting ignorant. And, I'm not a "Southerner." I was born in Maryland, and grew up in Miami, but have lived in New Orleans, Tallahassee, Chattanooga, as well as Baltimore and Miami, and honestly, Miami and Baltimore were the 2 most racist cities I lived in.

Ignorant is saying they are all racist. Lived in Alabama and miss area for 7-8 yrs of mylife , and I go back annually. I am primarily from a college town. It is a tri city area in Alabama.
A few questions for you
1. Are you black or white
2 if you are white ,are most of your relationships mostly business? If so that explains your experience.

I can say with complete confidence, that I can not think of anyone I have met in that area that don't refer to blacks as n***ers , when in a comfortable setting. ,

Now it has gotten better but most are still racist in the bama/miss area. Guess I can't speak for tenn/ ga.

And what was said was all of Tenn and GA (as well as MS and AL). I am white, but I teach African-American History at the college level. Because of that I was asked to be and serve as a board member of the local chapter of the NAACP in the town where I teach. I am involved in the political scence in the city where I live. I am well versed in race relations here. It's not perfect at all, and I won't for one second pretend to know what it's like to be an African-American living here, or anywhere in the South, or anywhere in the US for that matter. But I stand by what I said above. There is as much racism in Miami as there is in Chattanooga. There is as much racism in Baltimore as there is in Atlanta. Not every person in Tennessee or GA is Riley Copper. That was what I was responding to. I've never lived in MS or AL, so I won't (and didn't) speak to that.

Lastly, trust me, I see racism, and deal with it from some of my white students when I teach about the civil rights movement. I had a student bring in her "brother's" KKK handbook. But that's not the entire population, and she was from a small rural mountain community an hour away from the school. I'm not blind, trust me, I know racism exists, and I know it's not always people like Riley Cooper being blatant about it. Sometimes the worst racists are the ones who don't know or dont't think they're being racist. "I'm not racist, I have a black friend." Anyway, my whole point was, blanket generalizations on both sides are ignorant.

Oh, and I was called "the black professor" and on rate my professor it actually says that I hate white people.


Those are the ones that kill me lol.
Lmfao the typical .. Smfh people still use that I guess.
Bomb is a nice example of what consistent white guilt looks like.

Nah. I'm a ***. My people have been kicked out of the majority of the decent civilizations over the last 3000 years. And those are the good times. The bad times are genocide. I'm just not a bigot. I don't care what color, ***, orientation, country, or whatever. All I care is if Someone is good people or not. And I SMH at anyone stupid or backwards enough to pre-judge a person or still be bigoted in this day and age. But its cool. Their kids and grandkids will shake their heads too when they think back at the POS they came from.
My family and I are going to Mississippi for Christmas to visit and stay with family. I have a 11 yr old black kid who I have taken in, and treat like a son. I am honestly worried about him hearing or family saying something I don't like. They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas. Smile to your face call you a n***** to your back. Never not met a racist there. I spent half of my childhood there.

I'm not defending Alabama, but come on that's a little extreme. I live in Tennessee and work in North Georgia, and sure there are racists in Tennessee and in Georgia, but to say "They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas" is ignorant and stupid. I'd say there are as many racists in Miami. A lot of the Cuban-Americans I grew up with were as racist or more racist than people I know here. Yes there are racists here, but it's not 1960. Maybe out in the middle of nowhere, but go to the cities, and the college campuses and that stuff is not rampant. It exists, and Ole Miss can be bad, and I won't defend them, but to make blanket statements like that is wrong. Sorry, you're acting ignorant. And, I'm not a "Southerner." I was born in Maryland, and grew up in Miami, but have lived in New Orleans, Tallahassee, Chattanooga, as well as Baltimore and Miami, and honestly, Miami and Baltimore were the 2 most racist cities I lived in.

Ignorant is saying they are all racist. Lived in Alabama and miss area for 7-8 yrs of mylife , and I go back annually. I am primarily from a college town. It is a tri city area in Alabama.
A few questions for you
1. Are you black or white
2 if you are white ,are most of your relationships mostly business? If so that explains your experience.

I can say with complete confidence, that I can not think of anyone I have met in that area that don't refer to blacks as n***ers , when in a comfortable setting. ,

Now it has gotten better but most are still racist in the bama/miss area. Guess I can't speak for tenn/ ga.

And what was said was all of Tenn and GA (as well as MS and AL). I am white, but I teach African-American History at the college level. Because of that I was asked to be and serve as a board member of the local chapter of the NAACP in the town where I teach. I am involved in the political scence in the city where I live. I am well versed in race relations here. It's not perfect at all, and I won't for one second pretend to know what it's like to be an African-American living here, or anywhere in the South, or anywhere in the US for that matter. But I stand by what I said above. There is as much racism in Miami as there is in Chattanooga. There is as much racism in Baltimore as there is in Atlanta. Not every person in Tennessee or GA is Riley Copper. That was what I was responding to. I've never lived in MS or AL, so I won't (and didn't) speak to that.

Lastly, trust me, I see racism, and deal with it from some of my white students when I teach about the civil rights movement. I had a student bring in her "brother's" KKK handbook. But that's not the entire population, and she was from a small rural mountain community an hour away from the school. I'm not blind, trust me, I know racism exists, and I know it's not always people like Riley Cooper being blatant about it. Sometimes the worst racists are the ones who don't know or dont't think they're being racist. "I'm not racist, I have a black friend." Anyway, my whole point was, blanket generalizations on both sides are ignorant.

Oh, and I was called "the black professor" and on rate my professor it actually says that I hate white people.

I tip my cap to you, sir. You sound like an enlightened ****.
I could have sworn that the tolerant, enlightened members of the NYPD just settled another profiling lawsuit for detaining a black man and accusing him of fraudulently using a credit card when he had done nothing wrong and they had no reason to suspect he had.

I find most of the people that claim Alabama is so bad have never been there.

Seriously, we're comparing NYC and Bama.

NYC is the one that keeps getting sued for racist behavior

The NYPD has it's moments here. But as far as racial profiling goes, it's nothing compared to down South.

NYC has 12M people. 12x the problems, 12 times the lawsuits, etc. You have to speak about per capita when speaking about NYC cause its so big. Its probably the safest big city in America.
I could have sworn that the tolerant, enlightened members of the NYPD just settled another profiling lawsuit for detaining a black man and accusing him of fraudulently using a credit card when he had done nothing wrong and they had no reason to suspect he had.

I find most of the people that claim Alabama is so bad have never been there.

Been there. Been to most of the South. I think nearly 40 states actually. There is racism in every single state, every single city, every single town in America. Boston is pretty bad, IMO as a Northern example.

But anyone who says its not far, far worse in the South is lying. There is a facade of tolerance that's promoted, but you get a bunch of white people alone, god forbid they have a few beers in them... truth comes out. Not everyone, but a **** of a lot more than most everywhere else. I mean, there are members of this site that in their lifetimes, we're legally entitled to make a black person get up out of a seat on a bus. Use a different water fountain. Be banned from certain businesses based on color.

This is not 200 years ago! This is less than 50 years ago.

Typical yankee, liberal, elitist bull****

Yep... like a mouse to the cheese, here they come! So Scuba... If you can put together a full sentence and not just a string of words... What part of my post did you disagree with, kind sir?
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My family and I are going to Mississippi for Christmas to visit and stay with family. I have a 11 yr old black kid who I have taken in, and treat like a son. I am honestly worried about him hearing or family saying something I don't like. They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas. Smile to your face call you a n***** to your back. Never not met a racist there. I spent half of my childhood there.

I'm not defending Alabama, but come on that's a little extreme. I live in Tennessee and work in North Georgia, and sure there are racists in Tennessee and in Georgia, but to say "They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas" is ignorant and stupid. I'd say there are as many racists in Miami. A lot of the Cuban-Americans I grew up with were as racist or more racist than people I know here. Yes there are racists here, but it's not 1960. Maybe out in the middle of nowhere, but go to the cities, and the college campuses and that stuff is not rampant. It exists, and Ole Miss can be bad, and I won't defend them, but to make blanket statements like that is wrong. Sorry, you're acting ignorant. And, I'm not a "Southerner." I was born in Maryland, and grew up in Miami, but have lived in New Orleans, Tallahassee, Chattanooga, as well as Baltimore and Miami, and honestly, Miami and Baltimore were the 2 most racist cities I lived in.

Ignorant is saying they are all racist. Lived in Alabama and miss area for 7-8 yrs of mylife , and I go back annually. I am primarily from a college town. It is a tri city area in Alabama.
A few questions for you
1. Are you black or white
2 if you are white ,are most of your relationships mostly business? If so that explains your experience.

I can say with complete confidence, that I can not think of anyone I have met in that area that don't refer to blacks as n***ers , when in a comfortable setting. ,

Now it has gotten better but most are still racist in the bama/miss area. Guess I can't speak for tenn/ ga.

And what was said was all of Tenn and GA (as well as MS and AL). I am white, but I teach African-American History at the college level. Because of that I was asked to be and serve as a board member of the local chapter of the NAACP in the town where I teach. I am involved in the political scence in the city where I live. I am well versed in race relations here. It's not perfect at all, and I won't for one second pretend to know what it's like to be an African-American living here, or anywhere in the South, or anywhere in the US for that matter. But I stand by what I said above. There is as much racism in Miami as there is in Chattanooga. There is as much racism in Baltimore as there is in Atlanta. Not every person in Tennessee or GA is Riley Copper. That was what I was responding to. I've never lived in MS or AL, so I won't (and didn't) speak to that.

Lastly, trust me, I see racism, and deal with it from some of my white students when I teach about the civil rights movement. I had a student bring in her "brother's" KKK handbook. But that's not the entire population, and she was from a small rural mountain community an hour away from the school. I'm not blind, trust me, I know racism exists, and I know it's not always people like Riley Cooper being blatant about it. Sometimes the worst racists are the ones who don't know or dont't think they're being racist. "I'm not racist, I have a black friend." Anyway, my whole point was, blanket generalizations on both sides are ignorant.

Oh, and I was called "the black professor" and on rate my professor it actually says that I hate white people.
No disrespect to you " my friend is black " is hilarious
My family and I are going to Mississippi for Christmas to visit and stay with family. I have a 11 yr old black kid who I have taken in, and treat like a son. I am honestly worried about him hearing or family saying something I don't like. They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas. Smile to your face call you a n***** to your back. Never not met a racist there. I spent half of my childhood there.

I'm not defending Alabama, but come on that's a little extreme. I live in Tennessee and work in North Georgia, and sure there are racists in Tennessee and in Georgia, but to say "They are mostly all racist Reilly coopers in tenn , Alabama , Mississippi , and georgia areas" is ignorant and stupid. I'd say there are as many racists in Miami. A lot of the Cuban-Americans I grew up with were as racist or more racist than people I know here. Yes there are racists here, but it's not 1960. Maybe out in the middle of nowhere, but go to the cities, and the college campuses and that stuff is not rampant. It exists, and Ole Miss can be bad, and I won't defend them, but to make blanket statements like that is wrong. Sorry, you're acting ignorant. And, I'm not a "Southerner." I was born in Maryland, and grew up in Miami, but have lived in New Orleans, Tallahassee, Chattanooga, as well as Baltimore and Miami, and honestly, Miami and Baltimore were the 2 most racist cities I lived in.

Ignorant is saying they are all racist. Lived in Alabama and miss area for 7-8 yrs of mylife , and I go back annually. I am primarily from a college town. It is a tri city area in Alabama.
A few questions for you
1. Are you black or white
2 if you are white ,are most of your relationships mostly business? If so that explains your experience.

I can say with complete confidence, that I can not think of anyone I have met in that area that don't refer to blacks as n***ers , when in a comfortable setting. ,

Now it has gotten better but most are still racist in the bama/miss area. Guess I can't speak for tenn/ ga.

And what was said was all of Tenn and GA (as well as MS and AL). I am white, but I teach African-American History at the college level. Because of that I was asked to be and serve as a board member of the local chapter of the NAACP in the town where I teach. I am involved in the political scence in the city where I live. I am well versed in race relations here. It's not perfect at all, and I won't for one second pretend to know what it's like to be an African-American living here, or anywhere in the South, or anywhere in the US for that matter. But I stand by what I said above. There is as much racism in Miami as there is in Chattanooga. There is as much racism in Baltimore as there is in Atlanta. Not every person in Tennessee or GA is Riley Copper. That was what I was responding to. I've never lived in MS or AL, so I won't (and didn't) speak to that.

Lastly, trust me, I see racism, and deal with it from some of my white students when I teach about the civil rights movement. I had a student bring in her "brother's" KKK handbook. But that's not the entire population, and she was from a small rural mountain community an hour away from the school. I'm not blind, trust me, I know racism exists, and I know it's not always people like Riley Cooper being blatant about it. Sometimes the worst racists are the ones who don't know or dont't think they're being racist. "I'm not racist, I have a black friend." Anyway, my whole point was, blanket generalizations on both sides are ignorant.

Oh, and I was called "the black professor" and on rate my professor it actually says that I hate white people.

Much respect to you. Do you think anyone who knows you will drop the n word around you knowing who you are and what you do ? No.
Way mor are racist in that area than you think. I promise.

Anyone who knows me? No, but not everyone knows me. It's not like I'm Mr. Popular here. 500,000 people live in Chattanooga. Again, I know racism exists, I know a lot of is not on the surface, but Chattanooga is a pretty progressive city. It's not backwoods hillbilly marry your cousin crap here. In other words, we're no Mississippi. Again, can't speak for MS or AL, and I'm not defending the rural areas outside of where I live or work. But I will also again say Miami is racist as ****. So is Baltimore, so is Chicago. It might be a different type of racism, but it's still racist.
Y'all realize these kids get worshipped, right? I mean, the entire student body loves them. The whole town loves them. They may be racist, but they aren't racist towards their players. And lets not act like Miami fans aren't racist as **** either.

Do me and the rest of our fans a favor, don't assume you know how we think or feel or act.
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