It's been discussed before...but why would any minority

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I live in Mobile, Al and it is still pretty racist. Bama fans are some of the worst, ever!! You can take that to the bank.

I live in Birmingham and I've met some really nice people and I can say the majority of the people that I have met have been cool. Of course you are going to have some racist, but youll find them everywhere.

Bomb is a nice example of what consistent white guilt looks like.

Nah. I'm a ***. My people have been kicked out of the majority of the decent civilizations over the last 3000 years. And those are the good times. The bad times are genocide. I'm just not a bigot. I don't care what color, ***, orientation, country, or whatever. All I care is if Someone is good people or not. And I SMH at anyone stupid or backwards enough to pre-judge a person or still be bigoted in this day and age. But its cool. Their kids and grandkids will shake their heads too when they think back at the POS they came from.

ever wonder why they were kicked out of so many places?


LOL is this really tolerated on this site now? Wow.

Anyone who compares the number of racial incidents in NYC needs to combine the population of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi first.

Police issues in NYC that may arise are bc the police are mostly white non-college-educated males. However that specific social group is a tiny percent of the NYC population. That same subset, in percentages, is significantly higher in the deep south.

Anybody who has a confed flag or uses the term Yankee is in my book not only continuing to harbor (even subliminally) racist views, but also should be regarded as a traitor. That flag is anti-American.
I could have sworn that the tolerant, enlightened members of the NYPD just settled another profiling lawsuit for detaining a black man and accusing him of fraudulently using a credit card when he had done nothing wrong and they had no reason to suspect he had.

I find most of the people that claim Alabama is so bad have never been there.

Been there. Been to most of the South. I think nearly 40 states actually. There is racism in every single state, every single city, every single town in America. Boston is pretty bad, IMO as a Northern example.

But anyone who says its not far, far worse in the South is lying. There is a facade of tolerance that's promoted, but you get a bunch of white people alone, god forbid they have a few beers in them... truth comes out. Not everyone, but a **** of a lot more than most everywhere else. I mean, there are members of this site that in their lifetimes, we're legally entitled to make a black person get up out of a seat on a bus. Use a different water fountain. Be banned from certain businesses based on color.

This is not 200 years ago! This is less than 50 years ago.

I agree.

No disrespect to those on the board, I would never intentionally go to Alabama. It is part of a bunch of places where I would never go in this country. But to say that all places are the same, is not fair because it is simply not true. No one is denying that racism doesn't occur in every city but to say NYC is even similar to Bama is insane.

To be clear, I'm not saying they are similar. I live in NYC. Its certainly one of the least racist places in America. That said, there is racism everywhere. The NYPD story earlier in this thread for instance. My point was while there is racism everywhere, its 10x worse in the deep South.

I live in NYC too, while there are some racist up here, it is nothing compared to Bama.

Dude. Yes. I agree. I AGREE!!!
I could have sworn that the tolerant, enlightened members of the NYPD just settled another profiling lawsuit for detaining a black man and accusing him of fraudulently using a credit card when he had done nothing wrong and they had no reason to suspect he had.

I find most of the people that claim Alabama is so bad have never been there.

Been there. Been to most of the South. I think nearly 40 states actually. There is racism in every single state, every single city, every single town in America. Boston is pretty bad, IMO as a Northern example.

But anyone who says its not far, far worse in the South is lying. There is a facade of tolerance that's promoted, but you get a bunch of white people alone, god forbid they have a few beers in them... truth comes out. Not everyone, but a **** of a lot more than most everywhere else. I mean, there are members of this site that in their lifetimes, we're legally entitled to make a black person get up out of a seat on a bus. Use a different water fountain. Be banned from certain businesses based on color.

This is not 200 years ago! This is less than 50 years ago.

Typical yankee, liberal, elitist bull****

Yep... like a mouse to the cheese, here they come! So Scuba... If you can put together a full sentence and not just a string of words... What part of my post did you disagree with, kind sir?

I disagree with all of it. I have lived in NY, Miami and now ATL, you're right you got us. When me and the rest of my white friends get together for a few brews and a shot of 'shine we love to start spouting off racist terms and burning crosses. ****, thought we were keeping a low profile, you yankee types are on to us, time to change up the strategy.

So no substantive response to offer? Just sarcasm and deflection? Got it. Thanks for making my point.
Honestly, if recruits read this or the westendzone boards they'd get the impression that UM is the same way. Comments that can be construed as racist, prejudiced or whatever you want to call them are constantly being made, yet these same folks love their Canes football team and players - 80-90% are Black.

Maybe just me, but there is a difference in ni**a and ni**er

It may be an age thing as well, because I've had younger White guys say "what's up my ni**a?" to me and think it's ok. I'm not cool with either and have come close to knocking their teeth out. That's not all I'm talking about either, as I've read several posts on WEZ referencing Blacks to monkeys and other deragatory terms.
I grew up in FL and went to college with a bunch of kids from northern states - both Black and White. A lot of the kids always talked about how racist it was in the South, until I asked them to actually take note of people's reactions to them. In the South, people are just a lot more open with. Up north, it's just more hidden but still exists.
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