Is it an NCAA violation for a player to accept gifts from...

Older brother in the NFL?

This is an example of why we have some of the worst and most retarded fans in college football.

What kind of a brain-damaged fūcktard actively looks for and publishes possible violations on an open public forum.

No you fūcking imbecile, it's not a violation, it's family. Now crawl back into the open sewer you live in.

You are 100% right but that doesn't mean you have to be a cokk sucker about it. The guy just asked a question without thinking about all the possible consequences. Next time you read something stupid just kick your dog & go to the next thread instead of talking **** to cope with your inferiority & anger issues.

I'd rather blast the dumbfūck that originated the retarded stupidity than kick my dog, if that's alright with you.

Next time you read something of mine and feel like making a brain dead remark like above, step back and literally fūck your own face then go to the next thread instead of white knighting a retarded poster

You really showed him, you should be proud of yourself

Older brother in the NFL?

This is an example of why we have some of the worst and most retarded fans in college football.

What kind of a brain-damaged fūcktard actively looks for and publishes possible violations on an open public forum.

No you fūcking imbecile, it's not a violation, it's family. Now crawl back into the open sewer you live in.

****. Soft mattress?
Older brother in the NFL?

This is an example of why we have some of the worst and most retarded fans in college football.

What kind of a brain-damaged fūcktard actively looks for and publishes possible violations on an open public forum.

No you fūcking imbecile, it's not a violation, it's family. Now crawl back into the open sewer you live in.

You dudes talk real tough on the internet.
Really glad to see several of the latest responses. Sometimes I wonder if some on here just camp out waiting for posts where they can blast and belittle other people for whatever reasons instead of having a decent conversation as it should be.
Older brother in the NFL?
With thru compliance with Shaq... Not only a brother but even a friend... as long as you could prove relationship was prior existing ... but i wouldn't want Shaq think it is safer to shon the appearance

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Older brother in the NFL?

This is an example of why we have some of the worst and most retarded fans in college football.

What kind of a brain-damaged fūcktard actively looks for and publishes possible violations on an open public forum.

No you fūcking imbecile, it's not a violation, it's family. Now crawl back into the open sewer you live in.

Do you have low self esteem or is that a rhetorical question? As in you.....the angry jerk off who ****ed at life because lives in his moms basement and has a part time job at Lids.

I have incredibly low tolerance for stupidity and the people that enable brain dead porsters.

This is the kind of dumbass that would see one of our players at a nice restaurant eating steak and lobster and would post it on social media and start a thread about whether it was an NCAA violation.

If you don't see the utter stupidity of enabling this kind of porsting then you're just as moronic as the OP.
Last edited:
Delete this thread before MeddlingCuunt sees it.

Saw it....No time to act on it as I am too busy working at the nursing home brushing your senile Mom's hair after a good fck.
Now run along to your little circle jerk of she-men buddies in the West rear end zone.
Delete this thread before MeddlingCuunt sees it.

Saw it....No time to act on it as I am too busy working at the nursing home brushing your senile Mom's hair after a good fck.
Now run along to your little circle jerk of she-men buddies in the West rear end zone.

Now, that's a real gentlemans. Despite his obviously strained relationship with Thread Killa, he takes the time and effort to brush Thread Killa's mom's hair after he fvcks her.
Technically, according to the DingaanNCAA, a mother giving birth to a child who later plays College football has provided an extra benefit that other students aren't afforded.
This thread reminds me of the NC bathroom law. The most minor issue on earth causes a massive amount of fighting and insulting.
I think we should sue Canesinsight for our money back, since there's no safe space from all this abuse, nor a gender-neutral bathroom.
Older brother in the NFL?

This is an example of why we have some of the worst and most retarded fans in college football.

What kind of a brain-damaged fūcktard actively looks for and publishes possible violations on an open public forum.

No you fūcking imbecile, it's not a violation, it's family. Now crawl back into the open sewer you live in.

Do you have low self esteem or is that a rhetorical question? As in you.....the angry jerk off who ****ed at life because lives in his moms basement and has a part time job at Lids.

I have incredibly low tolerance for stupidity and the people that enable brain dead porsters.

This is the kind of dumbass that would see one of our players at a nice restaurant eating steak and lobster and would post it on social media and start a thread about whether it was an NCAA violation.

If you don't see the utter stupidity of enabling this kind of porsting then you're just as moronic as the OP.

There is a far cry between "porsting" pics of players eating lobster and asking a simple question. If you have such a low tolerance for stupidity either stop using 4th grade words like fuccktard and run a spell check before porsting about other peoples intelligence. If not drink a bottle of bleach and call it a day. My low tolerance is with bullies who think seniority gives them the right to belittle people who may not be as knowledgeable. This is not dungeons and dragons. You don't have super human powers in real life.
I wouldn't post a picture of a player at a nice restaurant. It was an honest question. I saw a picture of Evidence and David Njoku (with his watch) and I had the thought of NFL sibling players giving money, cars, etc. to younger brothers. I don't recall it ever being brought up. Knowing how ridiculous the NCAA is, it wouldn't shock me if it was an NCAA violation. It was a simple, honest question. No reason to get all excited about it.

Older brother in the NFL?

This is an example of why we have some of the worst and most retarded fans in college football.

What kind of a brain
Older brother in the NFL?

This is an example of why we have some of the worst and most retarded fans in college football.

What kind of a brain-damaged fūcktard actively looks for and publishes possible violations on an open public forum.

No you fūcking imbecile, it's not a violation, it's family. Now crawl back into the open sewer you live in.

You are 100% right but that doesn't mean you have to be a cokk sucker about it. The guy just asked a question without thinking about all the possible consequences. Next time you read something stupid just kick your dog & go to the next thread instead of talking **** to cope with your inferiority & anger issues.

No don't kick your dog or I will kick the **** out of you!
Say "NCAA" on this board and people come out the woodwork lmao

Emmert got y'all boys SHOOK
Older brother in the NFL?

This is an example of why we have some of the worst and most retarded fans in college football.

What kind of a brain-damaged fūcktard actively looks for and publishes possible violations on an open public forum.

No you fūcking imbecile, it's not a violation, it's family. Now crawl back into the open sewer you live in.

Do you have low self esteem or is that a rhetorical question? As in you.....the angry jerk off who ****ed at life because lives in his moms basement and has a part time job at Lids.

I have incredibly low tolerance for stupidity and the people that enable brain dead porsters.

This is the kind of dumbass that would see one of our players at a nice restaurant eating steak and lobster and would post it on social media and start a thread about whether it was an NCAA violation.

If you don't see the utter stupidity of enabling this kind of porsting then you're just as moronic as the OP.

There is a far cry between "porsting" pics of players eating lobster and asking a simple question. If you have such a low tolerance for stupidity either stop using 4th grade words like fuccktard and run a spell check before porsting about other peoples intelligence. If not drink a bottle of bleach and call it a day. My low tolerance is with bullies who think seniority gives them the right to belittle people who may not be as knowledgeable. This is not dungeons and dragons. You don't have super human powers in real life.

If you think that's bullying, you must be the softest most tender and fragile poster on this site. Grown men that feel "bullied" on a message board have serious issues and can't possibly be a functional member of society.