IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

Also, the IPF should be used a minority of the time. If you got guys housing 80 yard runs, then expand to outside after the lightning storm passes.

I have a hunch we'll be using it often, especially during August and September when it's always some combination of extremely hot, humid, and wet with bolts of lightning striking down all over the god **** place.

I have a hunch we'll be using it often, especially during August and September when it's always some combination of extremely hot, humid, and wet with bolts of lightning striking down all over the god **** place.

F that. Our advantage was practicing in that heat. We should only use the IPF for lightning warnings.
Not exactly.

Bigfoot has been seen.

someone intervened on our doting grandfather GOCANES305 and told him, cállate la boca so maricón, que te van a partir los cojones." In English, kindly refrain from discussing in the public he electrical contracting on this job site.
People that make money don’t brag about making money scrub
So ou
Altough our ipf isn’t a full field (it’s like 90 or 95 with an additional 30 yard field attached on the side of it) our ipf is more expensive(35 million) other teams outside of Maryland and now northwestern. That could be due to the cost of construction in coral gables in addition to the overhaul of the weight room and new football operations center that will be an upgrade over what Miami has now. It’s going to be great, I would Much rather sacrifice some field space for a new football operations center which we are doing

it also has to meet dade county hurricane code. The thing has to be solid.
Wait, wait, wait...u tryna tell me the desk is more mystifying than Big Foot AND a mermaid getting it on to some Marvin Gaye in Lake Placid while a unicorn jumps over a rainbow??

Most of us have seen Bigfoots and Mermaids - but this DESK!

That's where the mystery is. Spooky. Ethereal. Mystic. Invisible.
I called the supply house and they got me some pictures of this desk with GoCanes workin on a change order! What luck

Actually my desk is pert near that design LMAO .

NICE CHOICE , Soddy are you sure you haven’t been in to see me for project pricing 😀😀
