IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

A s
Imma need them to get a new hoop! Get a glass back board for God's sake. lol. Sorry...but that faded hoop stuck out like a soar thumb next to that beautiful construction behind it.

A soar thumb, eh? I got you, fam.


Some items have shipped , but the main items won't ship for estimated 3 weeks panels are in engineering designing prior to assembly which puts estimated arrival to my warehouse on the celebrated grand opening of 8/4 some here have mentioned constantly and defended firmly then figure couple weeks of installation , FPL connection and temp to test. Keep in mind this is just the electrical side HVAC (air conditioning) , plumbing and so on have there own revisions there dealing with also.

Final inspection for all subcontractors is very extensive and time consuming city of CG very concise and doesn't play in there inspections , CCG never ever ever ever approves anything on first go around always issues on large projects re-inspections are very costly , just don't be surprised if a couple months are added to get certificate of occupancy , hope not.

I shared earlier in this thread from the beginning about the construction business with all honesty no smoke and mirrors on large projects and was ripped apart called names , now everyone will see from which I speak is true .

Is anyone hearing from the "suits" on this project preparing,gloating , scheduling onsite parties with mayors city officaials all is DEAD QUITE....WHY.

If all was well the politicians would have begun there padding on backs ,hugging and taking all the glory , TV live reports of eminent grand opening would have begun LMAO with political figures kiss babies sparkling teeth in the cameras..LOLOLOL.


This is the level of professionalism that contractors show in South Florida, no wonder why everything is a **** show down there. Yikes.
This is the level of professionalism that contractors show in South Florida, no wonder why everything is a **** show down there. Yikes.

Construction business is the worst , it wasn't always this way back in the 70s-80s it was a blast till lawsuits to cash out started so everyone is scared to death to do anything till someone signs off to take the blame and that takes time if it goes south , real sad.

You should see the legal crap at the end of a $10 one line quote (6) pages of lawyer talk written , 6 more years and I'm gone from all this ****es.

We need a legal secretary here to price jobs geeeez.

Construction business is the worst , it wasn't always this way back in the 70s-80s it was a blast till lawsuits to cash out started so everyone is scared to death to do anything till someone signs off to take the blame and that takes time if it goes south , real sad.

You should see the legal crap at the end of a $10 one line quote (6) pages of lawyer talk written , 6 more years and I'm gone from all this ****es.

We need a legal secretary here to price jobs geeeez.

How about some pics from the site when you've got the chance? Maybe some pictures of some of the specific areas you've said are running behind schedule? TIA
Which is better, stabbing your eyes with needles, or trying to read a report from Gocanes in some tortured abused language passing off as English? Asking for a friend.
While I'm here , OCC are you familiar with Mt.Sinai hospital on Miami Beach ?

If so why don't you drive by the job-site it's in the finishing stages of a 3 year remolding project , I'll give you one guess who supplied this project LMAO , I have let me count HOLD ON one moment hmmmmmm oh (4) hospital projects including FLL airport upgrade (3 year project) going on plus OMG many many more projects like these.

I guess I'm doing something right in my language , just think OCC there is a huge chance many of the buildings hotels (yes even the Fountainsbleau hotel Miami Beach ) you walk in and hospitals GOCANES05 has played a part in LMAO.

Keep monitoring ,I'll keep sharing.

Some items have shipped , but the main items won't ship for estimated 3 weeks panels are in engineering designing prior to assembly which puts estimated arrival to my warehouse on the celebrated grand opening of 8/4 some here have mentioned constantly and defended firmly then figure couple weeks of installation , FPL connection and temp to test. Keep in mind this is just the electrical side HVAC (air conditioning) , plumbing and so on have there own revisions there dealing with also.

Final inspection for all subcontractors is very extensive and time consuming city of CG very concise and doesn't play in there inspections , CCG never ever ever ever approves anything on first go around always issues on large projects re-inspections are very costly , just don't be surprised if a couple months are added to get certificate of occupancy , hope not.

I shared earlier in this thread from the beginning about the construction business with all honesty no smoke and mirrors on large projects and was ripped apart called names , now everyone will see from which I speak is true .

Is anyone hearing from the "suits" on this project preparing,gloating , scheduling onsite parties with mayors city officaials all is DEAD QUITE....WHY.

If all was well the politicians would have begun there padding on backs ,hugging and taking all the glory , TV live reports of eminent grand opening would have begun LMAO with political figures kiss babies sparkling teeth in the cameras..LOLOLOL.



I’m amazed at this level of craze
This is so weird, LOL. This guy Derek would always pop up around the players taking selfies with them like they're best friends. My little brother played for the team a few years back & I remember this guy Derek would always be around the players family area after the games, so I asked him if he had a family member on the team & he said no, but he worked on the lighting in the Athletic Department. LMAO Thought for sure you guys were the same person.
I’m amazed at this level of craze

There you are Brock , I just knew it wouldn't be long before you's check in , hey any confirmation on the celebrated IPF grand opening of 8/4 LMAO.

Please send some of those inside high elevation photos of empty metal framing yet to be wired and dirt field for all to see for the opening in couple weeks.

I'm all ready Brock.

And take pics of the inside if you can. This is a real game changer imagine if we got back all the practices we missed last year do to rain and a hurricane. WE UP NEXT

Brock S/B sending pix any minute now with GO update of 8/4, I wonder if THE U band will be there on 8/4 ??

While I'm here , OCC are you familiar with Mt.Sinai hospital on Miami Beach ?

If so why don't you drive by the job-site it's in the finishing stages of a 3 year remolding project , I'll give you one guess who supplied this project LMAO , I have let me count HOLD ON one moment hmmmmmm oh (4) hospital projects including FLL airport upgrade (3 year project) going on plus OMG many many more projects like these.

I guess I'm doing something right in my language , just think OCC there is a huge chance many of the buildings hotels (yes even the Fountainsbleau hotel Miami Beach ) you walk in and hospitals GOCANES05 has played a part in LMAO.

Keep monitoring ,I'll keep sharing.


Yes I’m familiar with Mt. Sinai.

My father was there because of a minor stroke which turned into a major stroke because of a shltty transformer switch box that fell on his head from the ceiling. They told me it was because of some shoddy electrical contractor.
You seem oddly excited that we aren't going to hit our desired opening date.

You would much rather it open late, so that you can be "I told you so" guy. Not a good look sir.
Anyone know if the inside of the IPF will be more like UCF or the Tampa Bay Bucs....trust me when I say there is a world's difference between the 2.
Yes I’m familiar with Mt. Sinai.

My father was there because of a minor stroke which turned into a major stroke because of a shltty transformer switch box that fell on his head from the ceiling. They told me it was because of some shoddy electrical contractor.

Seriously OCC really TIME OUT,I feel for you and your dad stroke victim , my mom suffered for many years to count with this so so tough never recovered

All this crap we talk , means nothing to to what strokes do to person and family.
