Interesting stat on Miami/Mario

It's not so much about money as it is opportunity costs. Which is more likely to bring a national championship:

1. Pay Cristobal the equivalent to 8 million per year and then giving him a budget for coordinators that would need to be in the sub 2 million range

2. Hiring a coach like Freeze or Herman for 5-6 million (Herman would probably cost even way less than that for his first two years) and giving them the ability to hire the best coordinators in cfb, with virtually no budget limitations? He could have a Bama sized staff of analysts. One thing we've learned is that most championship teams have elite staffs. Teams with a good HC and bunch of potatoes as assistant coaches don't usually go far.

Personally I think the latter option gives you a far greater chance of success, yet the cost is nearly identical to option 1.

I'm pro Cristobal, I'm just saying the BOT needs to take odd the "Miami guy" beer goggles and consider how to build an elite staff if Mario says no instead of defaulting to Chud.
I'm not a big Mario fan - I think there are far more talented HCs out there - but most of you think he'd be great and evidently certain BOTs have such a hardon for him that they'll pay his buyout themselves.

**** it, why not. He's much, much better than what we've got.
Mario is going to want a long contract with a Ronaldo like buyout. I wont be mad with Mario but he wouldnt be my first choice.
That's the biggest reason I want Mario..he has ALLLL the leverage and will demand commitments or stay happy where he's at.

He's young enough that the Miami job will become open again. There aren't many coaches out there who are Miami "lifers" material. Either they come and fail and get fired within 4 years or they come and succeed and they move on within 5 years. Mario won't feel pressured to taking this job or he may never get the chance again.. if he takes it, it's because he's gotten the commitment he feels needed to win a natl title.
I don’t see it that way.

Those types of emotional arguments used to persuade will not work.

The only way he comes is if his perception is that his situation at Oregon will be worse if he stays, but better at Miami. How likely is that?

What is the probability that someone will come to that logical conclusion at the end of the season?

It would take a near improbable set of circumstances for someone to think that Miami is a better job than Oregon at the end of this season. Even for a cane alum and someone that loves the canes.
Hopefully, the wheels are turning. I will believe it when I see it. I agree, crazy circumstances need to happen, but I have hope and quarter in my pocket.
He'll take the call because he still loves his alma mater. But his decision will be strictly business. So where does he go after Oregon? It would be the safe choice. We also need a competent risk taker. Howard took the job when nobody else would. Jimmy had no reason to go to Miami but he did as well. Why would Butch take the Miami job? He was a successful DC for Dallas and on track to be an NFL head coach.

We also need a guy who will take the risk. To do so you need an ego. Not hubris but an ego. I do agree with Zo's comment. We need a guy whose personality is better than Miami's.

Yeah but he’s not in the “after Oregon‘“ point yet.

I mean he might take the call. But taking a call is not going to help us.

Again it would take things getting really toxic, or combination of other improbable factors at Oregon, for him to consider Miami a viable choice. It’s just the way I see it.

At the end of the day he’s going to make the decision that’s best for him
What does Mario struggling to beat **** teams week in and week out have to do with Manny and an offseason joke?
It is less of a comment on Mario vs. Manny and more of a comment about you. There are no perfect coaches for us. I will, however, take the guy who has actually beaten good teams instead of the guy that loses 50% of his games to bad ones. And at least own your stupidity instead of saying it was a joke. Nonsense and worthless.
Herman would cost nothing and already failed at a school where he can literally write the checks himself in a recruiting hot bed with a massive booster base.
Imo the move can pay for itself if we can at least win the coastal for the next 4 years. If we can make the playoffs in 3 the money would be worth it. I’m not talking about worth it for us as fans but also worth it from a returns stand point. At the very least we need a face that walks in to schools in south Florida that know who he is and trust what he can do and where he’s been. If Mario was here now there would be no question on who’s committing. So even if he doesn’t bring us a championship he’s gonna leave the cupboard more stacked then what it is now.

Recruiting is the lifeblood and dudes like chud or anyone without a morality record that the school doesn’t want can’t walk into any high school in sofla and say hey come with me we’re gonna do this right finally.
O’Brien ain’t leaving Bama for this.
Neither is fickle.
Chrisobal carries a lot of weight down here. And I’ll take my chances with a dude that can land a few 5 stars over some guy that can coach up a 3 star.
I don't think Herman failed at Texas.
So basically we will go all in on him, but the chance of him actually coming here is slim to none based on what he has going on there, the mess that this place is and knowing he can get whatever he needs to be successful at Oregon?

I don’t want to believe it but it makes sense. At the end of the day I want Mario but agree it’s going to be a tough pull. I’ll leave a sliver of
Hope in my mind that the wife really wants to get back here or he wants his kids here too or maybe that he just wants to be the guy that resurrects the U. A sliver of hope but hope nonetheless.

We may not even get to the point of going all in for him.

As a sign respect for his alma mater he may let us know very soon that he’s absolutely not interested, so we don’t waste the time.
No you’re not really making a case for Mario to come to Miami.

You’re making a case for deluding yourself in the thinking there’s some decent probability chance we can land him. That’s the only case that’s being made here.

That actual case needs to be made by people that are trying to influence him.

This thread doesn’t influence anybody, other than deluding people here into thinking we have a better than 50% shot of getting him.

I would say the odds start somewhere south of 10%.
Not sure if you know where you are at buddy but this is a message board. (well you have over 20k posts so maybe you do) LOL. WTF do you think we do on here all day? This is where we talk about stuff that maybe, could, probably wont, maybe will or definitely will happen. If we all knew what was going to really happen or could influence what could happen, we wouldnt be on here. That said, ill take that 9% chance. That means we have a chance. LOL.
I met Mario at Shula's Gym the day prior to the UM-FIU brawl and I'll never forget what he told me: "I love the U. Cut me open and I'm orange and green." That sticks with you. I don't give a crap the money or the resources he has at OU. The man will never have the emotional connection he has here. Ever. Now, will he play Miami for more money? Sure. But there's not a doubt in my mind he listens intently to what UM or any rep has to say.
I don't think Herman failed at Texas.
I don’t have a problem with that comment. But if he wasn’t a failure then Mario isn’t either at Oregon and I would prefer him over Hemran.

Herman also got a handsome buy out. I would bring him in as an offensive analyst/consultant. He can spend those millions well down here.
I believe Mario is an extremely smart dude that won’t let emotions dictate where he’s going to coach.
Some of the smartest coaches out there make decisions off emotions and not their brains. (I.E, Jimmy going to the Dolphins, Urban going to the Jags, Bill Parcells going to the Cowboys, etc)

That doesnt have anything to do with being smart. Emotions is apart of the deal when it comes to coaching. You guys are giving coaches, especially Mario, way to much credit. If Mario smart, he wouldnt have gone to Oregon in the first place. Cant win a title there.
It is less of a comment on Mario vs. Manny and more of a comment about you. There are no perfect coaches for us. I will, however, take the guy who has actually beaten good teams instead of the guy that loses 50% of his games to bad ones. And at least own your stupidity instead of saying it was a joke. Nonsense and worthless.

Cry more.
Not sure if you know where you are at buddy but this is a message board. (well you have over 20k posts so maybe you do) LOL. WTF do you think we do on here all day? This is where we talk about stuff that maybe, could, probably wont, maybe will or definitely will happen. If we all knew what was going to really happen or could influence what could happen, we wouldnt be on here. That said, ill take that 9% chance. That means we have a chance. LOL.

I know exactly where I am. It’s people having a discussion. I’m making observations on those discussions, and what I think are logical conclusions based on all the available information we currently have.

If you have a better, more persuasive argument, feel free to post it.

Just simply calling it how I see it.

I’m sure you are too, but there’s an interesting factor here: people talk themselves into stuff in the vacuum of an echo chamber filled with groupthink.
His buyout drops to 6.5 in January. That’s not an issue. His salary will likely be in the 6-6.5 million range. Money isn’t what he’ll be worrying about, he’ll need Miami
to prove they’re taking football serious and have a plan.
100% correct. From his updated contract signed last year:

I don’t have a problem with that comment. But if he wasn’t a failure then Mario isn’t either at Oregon and I would prefer him over Hemran.

Herman also got a handsome buy out. I would bring him in as an offensive analyst/consultant. He can spend those millions well down here.
Who's calling Mario a failure at Oregon?