Why are people so confident on Smith have I missed something
Coaches don't recruit by position, they recruit by region. How do we know if Dugans is the one who sealed all those guys?
Either way, that's my dawg. Donk muthafvckin' Dugans!
Just stop bruh. That's just sad. You call him ur Dawg in one sentence than **** on him in the other! You know he's the one who closed them cause everyone of them has said he's the one in charge of their recruitments.lmfao yall admit it's by region with him yet blame rumph for every heritage kid alive ever. Jeezus were a sad sad fanbase.
Uh, what? How did I **** on him? I asked a question, you over sensitive little beta male.
And you have NEVER seen me say anything negative about Rumph so shut that **** up.
How do people watch Devonta Smith tape and conclude JAG?
Just interested in the logic
How do people already assume that a elite high school WR is going to be a elite college WR without seeing him play in college?
Just interested in the logic?
Btw can you show me where I said he was going to be a JAG? Because I'm pretty sure I didn't
Come on... Enough with the spin-off fights. Hug it out, Bîtches! We gonna close strong for the 1st time in a long time. How would you like to be WVU right now? Be happy fellas. Better days lay ahead.
Coaches don't recruit by position, they recruit by region. How do we know if Dugans is the one who sealed all those guys?
Either way, that's my dawg. Donk muthafvckin' Dugans!
Just stop bruh. That's just sad. You call him ur Dawg in one sentence than **** on him in the other! You know he's the one who closed them cause everyone of them has said he's the one in charge of their recruitments.lmfao yall admit it's by region with him yet blame rumph for every heritage kid alive ever. Jeezus were a sad sad fanbase.
Uh, what? How did I **** on him? I asked a question, you over sensitive little beta male.
And you have NEVER seen me say anything negative about Rumph so shut that **** up.
Shocker. You reply with a weak insult rather than logic or comprehension & admitting you were wrong. #1you **** on him by not giving him any credit when every single one of those kids has publicly acknowledged Ron dugans is their lead recruiter & they talk to him all the time. #2 do you see the word YALL right after lmfao & before admit? Furthermore you see the words were & fanbase? Clearly by that point it was no longer a comment directed individually towards you... good one with the beta part. Clearly you must be a alpha based upon your overly sensitive response... typical on here though bruh. Be your own individual.