Does Stefan have a Stay in Yo Lane BBB T-shirt?
These are the important questions that need to be answered.
Right? We don’t pay 75 bucks a month for nothing D$...You’d think since we’re paying this much for a subscription that D$ would’ve done a little homework first
Stefan Adams as CanesInSight's new managing editor. Stefan was previously at State of the U, where he did great work both writing and managing content. Now that he is at CanesInSight, he will be diving headfirst into recruiting with interviews, breakdowns and a ton of other FREE content for Canes fans.
We have grown over 33% since our previous peak last year. The addition of Stefan, along with the redesigned forum and front page, should take this site to the next level. Please give my man a warm welcome and throw him a follow at @stefan_adams305
Meanwhile, Bamarrero is in the lockerroom at Columbus with his pants down and his favorite super duty 30 amp 3 prong plug cord wrapped around his neck swinging from a wobbly ceiling fan surrounded by upskirt photos of Jobe and Henderson.
I salute you, self-anointed Plug!