"I want to BREAK them! I want to BREAK these *******!" Kirby Halftime speech vs UFAG

I don't agree with secretly recording the speech and releasing it from the locker room unless the coach was in on it. What goes on in the locker room stays in the locker room. With that being said, Manny could only dream of speaking like this. Discipline. Leadership. What kid wouldn't run thru a f'ing wall in the second half after hearing this. We can only dream.......

I love it, fire and passion that's something that's been missing from our program for longtime
F whoever recorded that but **** that got the juices flowing. That's real stuff right there, you can feel the emotions and how much that game meant to them. I can only dream of having a tough *** coach like that one day.
Let’s go over our last three coaches:

Golden “be a McDonald’s cheeseburger” “don’t rise to the occasion, fall back on your training”

Richt: completely burnt out and was dealing with onset of Parkinson’s.

Manny Diaz: has a lisp. End of story. Don’t even need to bring up the birthing comment. Our HC has a very noticeable lisp.
We get this

Ya’ll fvking kill me everywtthhh time with this ****thhh. Fvking cryingthhh
@Rellyrell @Dwinstitles

Also - wonder when they (cancel culture folks) will schedule the congressional hearing on this halftimetthhh speacthhh
Let’s go over our last three coaches:

Golden “be a McDonald’s cheeseburger” “don’t rise to the occasion, fall back on your training”

Richt: completely burnt out and was dealing with onset of Parkinson’s.

Manny Diaz: has a lisp. End of story. Don’t even need to bring up the birthing comment. Our HC has a very noticeable lisp.
And Richt still got us up to #2 in the nation. Says a lot about the other coaches and what a really good coach that's not dealing with issues can do here.
He had never beaten UF while at UGA had he? If he did it was only once I think. I dont blame him. When you know you got a team (or at least a defense) as great as the one he has better get all your licks in because might be awhile before you get another one like that. And UF is standing on the ledge, Kirby knew it and wanted to completely push them over.
UGa has won 4 out of the last 5. The gators have been dog **** other than last yr with trask
I don't agree with secretly recording the speech and releasing it from the locker room unless the coach was in on it. What goes on in the locker room stays in the locker room. With that being said, Manny could only dream of speaking like this. Discipline. Leadership. What kid wouldn't run thru a f'ing wall in the second half after hearing this. We can only dream.......

We’ll manny has the lisp so how hard can u expect him to be with lisping at them
F whoever recorded that but **** that got the juices flowing. That's real stuff right there, you can feel the emotions and how much that game meant to them. I can only dream of having a tough *** coach like that one day.
Yeah, this secret recording then leaking it chit has to stop. Like if I can’t trust my locker room, then who can I trust?
Remember the Texas D Coach last week? There were some panty-wastes on here arguing that there's just no place for such tough words from a coach with the modern athlete. No there isn't, well, not in losing programs, anyway. I said I bet they hear it plenty on teams like Georgia and Bama.
I am waiting for that group, having never coached or played, to come in and tell us how Kirby is too toxic.
LOL at all of you who thinks Corch Kirby still isn't a corch because he gave a "firey" half time speech. This **** goes on all across the country on all levels of football. Good heavens you people are so easily amused.
10-0, will probably go undefeated and win it all. This is how a winning coach talks to a locker room and this was just Tenn. I don't want no ***** for coach, for sure. Reminds me of the fire ol' JJ had in a locker room.