I can never understand these kids

All judgmental holier than thou aside . . . I simply believe that MOST of us would make the same decisions these kids have made if we were in their shoes. If you would have made different decisions than kids like this, thank someone, parents, grandparents, mentors . . . you didn't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Many of these kids playing major college football today are coming from poverty. Yeah I think its pretty ****ing stupid to flash $500 cash acting like its a lot. Yeah I think its pretty ****ing stupid to go pay $175 for sneakers named after the best modern nba player. If I didn't have ****, if I didn't have guidance, if I didn't start school behind 70% of my peers . . . yeah I might make better decisions, but these kids aren't. Now if there are handlers involved . . . The ones that are suppose to have your back are steering you towards a choice that benefits them.

So yeah it is ignorant. If were were in their shoes we would make the same choices. Be thankful you had a better environment growing up.

You make some good points and I particularly agree with you that in many cases one has to pin the blame on the adults
who are "guiding" these kids, be they their parents, hs coaches, 7v7 coaches, or whomever else is in the picture.
Look no further than how Shavar Manuel handled his recruitment this past cycle, outright lying to folks whose livelihoods
depend on acquiring talent.
A kid with decent people guiding him would not have allowed that kind of nonsense to occur.

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If you did not grow up in the hood and had little u will never understand these kids. I'm taking that paper and the hoes that come with it and if it gets my mothers Bill's paid and I got to sit the bench for three years and she's smiling I'm doing it
Doesn't matter: he got PAID.

I would of went too can't get mad at that

No doubt that $50k or so he got and split with 20 hangers on set him up for life

That's $50k more than he would have made if he chose a school that didn't pay him.

No doubt. Short money always wins. His advisers would have had to wait four years to get those rims and sneakers had he not cashed in early.
Doesn't matter: he got PAID.

I would of went too can't get mad at that

No doubt that $50k or so he got and split with 20 hangers on set him up for life

So he did make the th choice he was a busy and got paid and would of been a busy elsewhere and got ****.

Lets talk about the ones that are good that get paid and make the league and make that school richer I bet there's those too

No doubt about it. Always take the quick easy payoff. It always works best.

That chump change he got from Bama set him and his 20 advisers up for life or at least for a couple weeks.
Doesn't matter: he got PAID.

I would of went too can't get mad at that

No doubt that $50k or so he got and split with 20 hangers on set him up for life

So he did make the th choice he was a busy and got paid and would of been a busy elsewhere and got ****.

Lets talk about the ones that are good that get paid and make the league and make that school richer I bet there's those too

No doubt about it. Always take the quick easy payoff. It always works best.

That chump change he got from Bama set him and his 20 advisers up for life or at least for a couple weeks.

Well the handlers didn't care. They got theirs.

It seems like there are a few conversations within the conversation. The fast and easy money/the decision where to sign. Then there is the issue of development and productivity. I wonder where we would be (program wise) had we signed a few of those top kids?

So the money issue aside! Do you have any thoughts about where the kid should have gone?

Its funny bc I have wondered often about Miami. If we had signed the Patrick Johnson/Petersen, Teddy B, Sony Michaels of the world, would we be any better off? Would those kids' talents masked Coker, Shannon, and Golden's weaknesses enough that we would have won big?

If not Bama and the cash, where?
Doesn't matter: he got PAID.

I would of went too can't get mad at that

No doubt that $50k or so he got and split with 20 hangers on set him up for life

That's $50k more than he would have made if he chose a school that didn't pay him.

No doubt. Short money always wins. His advisers would have had to wait four years to get those rims and sneakers had he not cashed in early.

Based upon his lack of playing time, it appears that he might never make it in the NFL. If he doesn't make it, the $ he got from Alabama might be the only money he ever makes as a football player.
I would of went too can't get mad at that

No doubt that $50k or so he got and split with 20 hangers on set him up for life

That's $50k more than he would have made if he chose a school that didn't pay him.

No doubt. Short money always wins. His advisers would have had to wait four years to get those rims and sneakers had he not cashed in early.

Based upon his lack of playing time, it appears that he might never make it in the NFL. If he doesn't make it, the $ he got from Alabama might be the only money he ever makes as a football player.

Whichmeans he did the right thing now money is always the best optionbecause u can't tell the future
I would of went too can't get mad at that

No doubt that $50k or so he got and split with 20 hangers on set him up for life

That's $50k more than he would have made if he chose a school that didn't pay him.

No doubt. Short money always wins. His advisers would have had to wait four years to get those rims and sneakers had he not cashed in early.

Based upon his lack of playing time, it appears that he might never make it in the NFL. If he doesn't make it, the $ he got from Alabama might be the only money he ever makes as a football player.

Maybe he won't cash a check in the NFL. Odds are he'll probably see at least some free agent money.

I'm sure that chump change Alabama threw at him was gone within a week, and he has nothing to show for it. But Imma get mines.
No doubt that $50k or so he got and split with 20 hangers on set him up for life

That's $50k more than he would have made if he chose a school that didn't pay him.

No doubt. Short money always wins. His advisers would have had to wait four years to get those rims and sneakers had he not cashed in early.

Based upon his lack of playing time, it appears that he might never make it in the NFL. If he doesn't make it, the $ he got from Alabama might be the only money he ever makes as a football player.

Whichmeans he did the right thing now money is always the best optionbecause u can't tell the future

Yes. Chump change that's gone in a week should always be what guides every decision you make. He clearly made the right decision as he rotted at Alabama and is now at a toilet known as Arkansas State.

The money grab sometimes gives guys an inflated sense of worth and importance and retards their willingness to outwork the competition. But, yeah, let that short money guide your every decision. I hope you're not guiding any youth.
That's $50k more than he would have made if he chose a school that didn't pay him.

No doubt. Short money always wins. His advisers would have had to wait four years to get those rims and sneakers had he not cashed in early.

Based upon his lack of playing time, it appears that he might never make it in the NFL. If he doesn't make it, the $ he got from Alabama might be the only money he ever makes as a football player.

Whichmeans he did the right thing now money is always the best optionbecause u can't tell the future

Yes. Chump change that's gone in a week should always be what guides every decision you make. He clearly made the right decision as he rotted at Alabama and is now at a toilet known as Arkansas State.

The money grab sometimes gives guys an inflated sense of worth and importance and retards their willingness to outwork the competition. But, yeah, let that short money guide your every decision. I hope you're not guiding any youth.

Some guys that have gotten money play in the league......some guys can take the money and still push and some guys can't. It is what it is And it's what's really happening