I can never understand these kids


Dec 10, 2012
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This idiot? (Him on the left) And you wonder why kids want to go to the $ec. Payday!

I agree with you...
If there's one thing we can discern about Bama's coaches/recruiters, is that they're master manipulators.
These kids are young, naive & impressionable, and Bama has cornered the market on selling "dreams" better than any other program in college football.
Little do these kids know, they are simply being used by programs like Bama.
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Lazy and entitled. Never wanted to work for anything. Played off natural ability his whole life and couldn't cut it at Bama so he quit to go be a big fish in a small pond again like in hs. Glad we didn't take this guy, way too weak mentally.
I want kids who wanna be here. If you wanna sit on the bench at bama rather then put on for your city & play the game you supposedly "love" go right ahead!!!
The ignorance of America's youth when it comes to money.

Money makes Money!!!!
All judgmental holier than thou aside . . . I simply believe that MOST of us would make the same decisions these kids have made if we were in their shoes. If you would have made different decisions than kids like this, thank someone, parents, grandparents, mentors . . . you didn't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Many of these kids playing major college football today are coming from poverty. Yeah I think its pretty ******* stupid to flash $500 cash acting like its a lot. Yeah I think its pretty ******* stupid to go pay $175 for sneakers named after the best modern nba player. If I didn't have ****, if I didn't have guidance, if I didn't start school behind 70% of my peers . . . yeah I might make better decisions, but these kids aren't. Now if there are handlers involved . . . The ones that are suppose to have your back are steering you towards a choice that benefits them.

So yeah it is ignorant. If were were in their shoes we would make the same choices. Be thankful you had a better environment growing up.
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congrats. If you did it without any support you are already a lottery winner.

I work in an Atlanta inner city school. There are real problems. There are really bad decisions being made. There are bright spots! I'm not sure I could overcome the odds they have to overcome.

If you did you are in the minority and truly blessed.