I can’t defend Manny

Personal attacks
You see this is where I have to jump in and just say you're wrong.

You know what all 5 of those guys had in common? In each of those 5 cases they were guys the majority of fans weren't hoping for. Not to say you should run a program on what fans say...but the point is the administration's logic in SELECTING each of those head coaches was just horribly flawed. I and many others in the fanbase could have told you THE DAY EACH OF THOSE GUYS WERE HIRED that they were bad hires. Not after the fact, not after they performed poorly, ON THE DAY OF. Shannon's defenses were horribly simplistic and got roasted when we played top 25 teams. Al Golden's Temple teams had some bad losses that were really a warning sign. Manny Diaz was too green and not ready for the step up to being a head coach. Mark Richt was on a CLEAR DECLINE and being run out of Georgia. Mind you, Georgia offers more resources than our school/administration could EVER offer a head coach and he STILL failed there. I'm not even going to touch on Coker other than to say his extension bothered me a **** of a lot more than his initial hiring, at the time.

You're correct that it's an inexact science, but after 5 times of picking pretty much the worst options that were out there, that most didn't want and for which there was a clear logical thought process as to why each wasn't a good candidate.....well brother at some point you have to point all 10 fingers back at the administration for making decisions they are not capable of making. They are a level beyond incompetent and a **** of a lot more dangerous because from what I know of that little cast of characters, they are filled with the "we know better than you" type.

The only hope we have is to get a strong AD in here and hope they leave him alone.....and I'd call the likelihood of each of those things happening a long shot at best.

The main issue is, dyck suckers like yourself don't really UNDERSTAND how finance, accounting, & budgeting works, so it's easy for you to retrospectively say from your mother's basement or remote trailer park that the "logic was horribly flawed" when these coaches were hired or that "I knew on Day 1 these coaches would fail". The bottom line is..when these coaches were selected they were the BEST candidates that MIA could hire at the time given the circumstances, and budget constraints. Only a delusional clown would feel that the university hired the absolute worst options, without considering the financial pressure/stress the university continues to face. The university has sent a direct/clear message to this hoe *** fanbase, that they are prioritizing other things besides fielding a winning football team. Why is that so difficult for dummies like yourself to understand?? Ironically..the biggest homers in this dysfunctional fanbase are the individuals who continue to advance the misguided narrative that MIA is only 1 competent HC/AD away from miraculously recapturing the glory of it's heyday. GTFOH..with that hoe *** ****, and put the crack pipe down. In the 80's it was Ok to believe that, but even then in order to compete with blue blood programs the MIA athletic dept was routinely forced to walk the line between compliant & non-compliant, as was evidenced by numerous NCAA infractions/scandals. Those days are long gone. Not only is more $$ being thrown around now than at any time in the history of CFB, but MIA as a university is also not as open/willing to adopt a "win at all costs" mentality like it once was. When you take all this into consideration it's really not that difficult to understand that in this current CFB landscape it is pretty much impossible for a school like MIA to compete.
Yes that's true-Blake James is incompetent. But as i've already proved in this thread-that is only part of the issue. MIA has had on-field results that were **** when both competent & incompetent ADs were at the helm. Also you're assuming a lot when you say that both Babers & Mullen would be able to replicate or exceed their success @ MIA. I'm not ready to accept the notion that Manny's fate is already sealed, because he deserves ample time to be able to figure it out. I know that is very difficult for a fanbase that is growing restless & impatient by the minute to accept, but it is what it is.

You’ve proved what? Your argument that different athletic directors were equally as incompetent at Miami doesn’t prove a point. It just proves that they were not the right fit for the job.

You’re totally disregarding the fact that two MUCH better head coaches could have been hired at Miami. It isn’t chemistry. It’s basic math. Hire better coaches - get better results. We didn’t miss on them due to a lack of resources. We simply didn’t hire them due to incompetence.

Acting as if they would not be a better option at Miami than Manny Diaz is ridiculous. Dino is doing more with less. He has done that every where he’s been. The guy beat Clemson with a Cuse team. And Dan Mullen is a national championship offensive coordinator who happens to have the gators playing well. Let’s not dive into the ridiculous just to cover for Manny Diaz.
The main issue is, dyck suckers like yourself don't really UNDERSTAND how finance, accounting, & budgeting works, so it's easy for you to retrospectively say from your mother's basement or remote trailer park that the "logic was horribly flawed" when these coaches were hired or that "I knew on Day 1 these coaches would fail". The bottom line is..when these coaches were selected they were the BEST candidates that MIA could hire at the time given the circumstances, and budget constraints. Only a delusional clown would feel that the university hired the absolute worst options, without considering the financial pressure/stress the university continues to face. The university has sent a direct/clear message to this hoe *** fanbase, that they are prioritizing other things besides fielding a winning football team. Why is that so difficult for dummies like yourself to understand?? Ironically..the biggest homers in this dysfunctional fanbase are the individuals who continue to advance the misguided narrative that MIA is only 1 competent HC/AD away from miraculously recapturing the glory of it's heyday. GTFOH..with that hoe *** ****, and put the crack pipe down. In the 80's it was Ok to believe that, but even then in order to compete with blue blood programs the MIA athletic dept was routinely forced to walk the line between compliant & non-compliant, as was evidenced by numerous NCAA infractions/scandals. Those days are long gone. Not only is more $$ being thrown around now than at any time in the history of CFB, but MIA as a university is also not as open/willing to adopt a "win at all costs" mentality like it once was. When you take all this into consideration it's really not that difficult to understand that in this current CFB landscape it is pretty much impossible for a school like MIA to compete.
Wow. Meds?
I never considered Richt a success at UGA, more of a joke honestly, but fair enough. I didn’t necessarily mean a 13 year sample, just tangible results.

Posted my criteria earlier on:

-Do not hire anyone that has ever been fired, anywhere, at any point. (I'll take my chances passing up on the next Belichick, who was fired by Cleveland)
-Do not hire anyone without HC experience. We don't have the decision makers to make a Frost type hire.
-Do not hire anyone from a failed regime
-Coach must show prolonged success vs peer opponents in conference.
-Don't even think about culture fit, **** it, thats peripheral nonsense that'll over complicate things
-Go with an offensive minded coach. Would much rather an offensive HC pick his d coordinator, than a DC picking an OC. Defensive minded coaches are often ****ed up in he head about what type of TOP oriented offense they want to run.
-This is probably going to overlap with not hiring anyone who's been fired or doesn't have prolonged success, but don't make a "Recruiter" hire. We need schematic advantage. No one, and I mean no one is talking kids away from bags to play at Miami at this point. Show kids schematic advantage and competency, and more will stay home.

So, if a prospect HC was ‘fired’ 10 years ago when he was WR coach and the HC was fired, he’s no longer under consideration? Even if his resume since was stellar, hence his rise to being a HC candidate. We’ll assume he is a HC somewhere else, given your second requirement.
Simply put, Richt was not going to win enough games. He was only averaging 9 wins per season during his last 3 at UGA.

Even though he shouldn’t have been hired, Richt then came here and was unable to win enough games. He actually won less (per season) than his prior 3 at UGA. Then he gave us a tremendous gift and quit because he didn’t like the challenge.

Not that it matters, our last relevant season was in 2003. In 2003, we won our conference, BCS Bowl and 11 games (out of 13). It has been a chitty ride since that season. Richt wasn’t going to have a season like that.

Not defending Richt, but also working against him was Kirby Smart more or less making it public he would stay at Alabama unless the UGA job became available. UGA is his alma mater.
Marl, Manny and Al picked their friends/loved ones over the team. They were compromised from the start and would've been better off with objective hires, because the other respective sides of the ball weren't such a mess.
Manny still has time to purge his friends from the staff. Will he do it? I doubt it. Time will tell. But, it's not looking good for ole Manny.
The main issue is, dyck suckers like yourself don't really UNDERSTAND how finance, accounting, & budgeting works, so it's easy for you to retrospectively say from your mother's basement or remote trailer park that the "logic was horribly flawed" when these coaches were hired or that "I knew on Day 1 these coaches would fail". The bottom line is..when these coaches were selected they were the BEST candidates that MIA could hire at the time given the circumstances, and budget constraints. Only a delusional clown would feel that the university hired the absolute worst options, without considering the financial pressure/stress the university continues to face. The university has sent a direct/clear message to this hoe *** fanbase, that they are prioritizing other things besides fielding a winning football team. Why is that so difficult for dummies like yourself to understand?? Ironically..the biggest homers in this dysfunctional fanbase are the individuals who continue to advance the misguided narrative that MIA is only 1 competent HC/AD away from miraculously recapturing the glory of it's heyday. GTFOH..with that hoe *** ****, and put the crack pipe down. In the 80's it was Ok to believe that, but even then in order to compete with blue blood programs the MIA athletic dept was routinely forced to walk the line between compliant & non-compliant, as was evidenced by numerous NCAA infractions/scandals. Those days are long gone. Not only is more $$ being thrown around now than at any time in the history of CFB, but MIA as a university is also not as open/willing to adopt a "win at all costs" mentality like it once was. When you take all this into consideration it's really not that difficult to understand that in this current CFB landscape it is pretty much impossible for a school like MIA to compete.

LMAO at you trying to clown anyone after that nonsensical ****. The University, like any other large institution has money and budgeting broken down into different pools (the athletic department being one) for which it’s up to the athletic department on what to prioritize. That’s the main reason a ******* AD exists (and one worth a **** has the foresight to make investment decisions that profit the department as a whole) otherwise just let the **** president of the university decide. Given that football is the sport that draws the most attention and potential for profit for the department and ultimately the school, you’d think there would be an emphasis on investing in it.......especially when the school doesn’t receive the aid of state funding. And no, there is no way any competent AD assess the situation and comes to the conclusion that coaches like Shannon, Golden, and Diaz were the best options without political agenda at play. This **** has never been about business constraints, and it’s why they were quick to give a leftover version of Richt $4 mil a year and extend Golden to oblivion. It seemed like an easy solution that checked all the PC boxes, but like all the other decisions being made had no substance. Both happened so prematurely there is no way the powers that be actually analyzed the potential, they just reacted........and like usual to the wrong **** priority. Value opinionated press over results and the ending is always the same, a mess and a buyout (they should be kissing Richt’s *** that he decided to retire without holding the department to that horrendous contract yet still didn’t learn from it).

You don’t have to break the bank to find a competent coach anyway, but you do need to actually invest time in a legit hiring process and not let outside political agenda completely skew what matters for the result.
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Once upon a time, Miami hired within, promoting a DC from the previous unsuccessful staff to head coach and that experiment proved to be a miserable failure.
So with the benefit of knowing the sad result of that precedent, our brilliant AD charges headlong down that exact same ******* road expecting a different result.

What's the old saying about the definition of insanity ?
The crazy thing is despite this HORRIBLE offensive line, with a competent DC and ST coach, Miami is sitting here at 5-0. Doesn't even have to be great, just competent.

Manny is basically taking back the D and said that due to Baxa being so bad, he will change how he approaches extra points. So even though he wont admit it, he knows he failed at picking the DC and ST coaches.

My prediction is that Miami loses to UVA on Friday, then Diaz fires Baker after the game and names Banda as interim DC. I think that will actually improve the defense as Banda will be more in tune with a Diaz-style attacking defense instead of Baker's "bend dont break" style. Unfortunately, Miami will have to drop to 2-4 before Diaz starts making changes and fixing his mistakes.

Dabo saved his career by hiring a high school coach as OC in year 4. I get that Diaz thought Baker was going to be special even though he was at La Tech, but it's time to realize Baker just isn't a good fit.
Fanbase almost universally loved the Golden hire.

Yes. In fact everyone was so enthused Golden was being celebrated for everything he did surrounding the Sun Bowl in El Paso when he watched from the booth before officially taking over.

It reminds me of Jimmy Johnson on Dolphin forums. He is despised there, 100% opposite of how he is viewed on Canes forums. But the Jimmy Johnson hire was exciting and made great sense for the Dolphins at the time, and likewise Al Golden for the Canes, although obviously Golden hadn't won anything of note while Johnson had won plenty.

This stuff blends. I can technically remember the details of the Shannon, Golden, Richt and Diaz situations, but none of it really matters. We've been at this same level for so long with trivial variances from year to year, stuff that can be assigned to normal distribution more than anything else.

I'm expecting plenty of the same to follow
Not defending Richt, but also working against him was Kirby Smart more or less making it public he would stay at Alabama unless the UGA job became available. UGA is his alma mater.

Regardless of whether that is true or not, you know what would have made Kirby’s public moves irrelevant?
The crazy thing is despite this HORRIBLE offensive line, with a competent DC and ST coach, Miami is sitting here at 5-0. Doesn't even have to be great, just competent.

Manny is basically taking back the D and said that due to Baxa being so bad, he will change how he approaches extra points. So even though he wont admit it, he knows he failed at picking the DC and ST coaches.

My prediction is that Miami loses to UVA on Friday, then Diaz fires Baker after the game and names Banda as interim DC. I think that will actually improve the defense as Banda will be more in tune with a Diaz-style attacking defense instead of Baker's "bend dont break" style. Unfortunately, Miami will have to drop to 2-4 before Diaz starts making changes and fixing his mistakes.

Dabo saved his career by hiring a high school coach as OC in year 4. I get that Diaz thought Baker was going to be special even though he was at La Tech, but it's time to realize Baker just isn't a good fit.

I think Manny is learning that the transitive property doesn't hold in coaches either. Not everyone who is successful at a lower tier school will be at a bigger one, there's different skills involved. Just because he could manage the move from LT to UM, doesn't mean everyone will.

I will tell you this though, if he fired Baker and hires Banda as anything more than an interim DC, his lesson hasn't been learned.

You need someone who has evolved as a DC before. Part of Baker's approach is that we don't have the firepower at DT or DB we did the past 2 to 3 years. I find it hard to believe Manny was blind to these adjustments.
I think Manny is learning that the transitive property doesn't hold in coaches either. Not everyone who is successful at a lower tier school will be at a bigger one, there's different skills involved. Just because he could manage the move from LT to UM, doesn't mean everyone will.

I will tell you this though, if he fired Baker and hires Banda as anything more than an interim DC, his lesson hasn't been learned.

You need someone who has evolved as a DC before. Part of Baker's approach is that we don't have the firepower at DT or DB we did the past 2 to 3 years. I find it hard to believe Manny was blind to these adjustments.

If he fires Baker and takes on the play calling duties himself, I can at least see the logic.

A promotion within from an already failed staff would just be more par for the course and a continuation of how UM does things.
It’s been proven that Manny is an average at best recruiter. On the defensive side which coach brings the recruiting juice?

If Manny doesn’t get the D straightened out quick, defensive recruiting is fuuuuuuuuqed unless he overhauls that side