I am not one to rant



Consider the source of the information you read when it comes from Gary Ferman, Warchant, Luke Stampini, etc.

Y'all can tell them I'm calling them out but we are talking about absolute clown shows here. They all want Miami to fail and fail badly.

Insight on top

Can't believe I donated $100 all skeeted out to that rat 13 years ago

Consider the source of the information you read when it comes from Gary Ferman, Warchant, Luke Stampini, etc.

Y'all can tell them I'm calling them out but we are talking about absolute clown shows here. They all want Miami to fail and fail badly.

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Most of us knew this way back when you were ****ting into diapers.

Welcome aboard the pirate ship.

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Consider the source of the information you read when it comes from Gary Ferman, Warchant, Luke Stampini, etc.

Y'all can tell them I'm calling them out but we are talking about absolute clown shows here. They all want Miami to fail and fail badly.

Insight on top

I've been saying this for years. Ferman poses as a Miami hurricane fan but he truly HATES Miami! I swear to the almighty. I swear we are the only
College that gets hit with fake boosters who rat on themselves and the school and have people who make a living off reporting for a program they hate.

Consider the source of the information you read when it comes from Gary Ferman, Warchant, Luke Stampini, etc.

Y'all can tell them I'm calling them out but we are talking about absolute clown shows here. They all want Miami to fail and fail badly.

Insight on top

I've been saying this for years. Ferman poses as a Miami hurricane fan but he truly HATES Miami! I swear to the almighty. I swear we are the only
College that gets hit with fake boosters who rat on themselves and the school and have people who make a living off reporting for a program they hate.

We were cursed with the Shapiro/Ferman combo.
Pete you a rainmaker but beware of Ferman ; tough MF

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This caulksucker, Vermin, tongued Charles Robinson's ašś publicly, giving him another forum on his site, and, if I recall correctly, he also publicly defended him.

This alone has put him on my permanent and irrevocable shītlist. Add to that the decades long con he's run on his readers, and this slime should never see a dime, or the time of day, from any self-respecting canes fan

Oh, and Pete's 100% correct, he does not have the Canes' best interest in mind, and I believe he's a closet canes hater.
This caulksucker, Vermin, tongued Charles Robinson's ašś publicly, giving him another forum on his site, and, if I recall correctly, he also publicly defended him.

He did indeed publicly defend Robinson, claiming on several occasions that he was one of the
best sports journalists.
And he dared any of the subscribers to say otherwise, threatening to censor their comments during the
Q and A.
I would also add there were quite a few posters on that site that were on the same boat with Ferman,
insulting fellow Canes subscribers who thought this was treasonous. Some dude named Wake something,
who claimed to be openly ghay and a couple of other goofballs.
I left that site because of this.
I hope all of those folks contract the worse strain of eBola and endure a slow and painful expiration.
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The rest are tools. But ***** is the top clown of all.

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