2023 Hykeem Williams, 2023 WR (signs w/ Forfeit State)

I don't know who that is or what he said. But I know what Jalen and his mother told us. I know that he had been a silent for going on a month now. I get I don't bother putting things in open threads anymore so I don't have more headaches but it's been an ongoing topic with the several people I speak with in messages. Nothing new here. In the last 2 days before he committed she came to us and said she needed to be closer to her son. Doesn't make sense to me honestly because all that happens with houses anymore is it becomes a company property. She don't own it and once he's gone it will revert to them. I don't know how much of that was an actual issue to us. I just know that's the two things that changed with us
This is fascinating to me - seeing what really goes down behind the scenes. Something seemingly so benign (a rental house for a few years) is enough to tilt the scale for a 5-star local kid. Thanks for sharing.
I don't know one way or the other if she does. But that's not how it is normally any more. I'd imagine property is cheap over there. Maybe it's cheap enough they'd figure fvck it.
U think her opinion could change on the matter again in the coming months? Or has Mario and them had enough of dealing with it?
He deleted most of it. But basically predicted in the end the family wasn't to be trusted.
I think people look at this with an awfully narrow view. When saying the family can't be trusted what exactly did they do that can't be trusted? They looked out for their best interest. Something about him tells me he's the type of kid who needs to be close to that support. That's why I always said Michigan would have to do something extraordinary. It was always us or LSU. Kelly is a ****** weirdo so I hope for the kids sake they don't regret this. It's not over for him especially if a couple things push our way. But is what it is. I ain't mad at the kid and I understand the mom's wanting to be close to her son. This train ain't stopping regardless of him though so we gonna keep pushin.
I think people look at this with an awfully narrow view. When saying the family can't be trusted what exactly did they do that can't be trusted? They looked out for their best interest. Something about him tells me he's the type of kid who needs to be close to that support. That's why I always said Michigan would have to do something extraordinary. It was always us or LSU. Kelly is a ****** weirdo so I hope for the kids sake they don't regret this. It's not over for him especially if a couple things push our way. But is what it is. I ain't mad at the kid and I understand the mom's wanting to be close to her son. This train ain't stopping regardless of him though so we gonna keep pushin.
and she wouldnt have been close to her son here in Miami? I'm not trying to start anything but that just sounds like some bullsh*t from her side. You can literally be close to your son right here and not have to live in ******* Baton Rouge.
I think people look at this with an awfully narrow view. When saying the family can't be trusted what exactly did they do that can't be trusted? They looked out for their best interest. Something about him tells me he's the type of kid who needs to be close to that support. That's why I always said Michigan would have to do something extraordinary. It was always us or LSU. Kelly is a ****** weirdo so I hope for the kids sake they don't regret this. It's not over for him especially if a couple things push our way. But is what it is. I ain't mad at the kid and I understand the mom's wanting to be close to her son. This train ain't stopping regardless of him though so we gonna keep pushin.
Your point is absolutely valid, but I’ll counter with this regarding the bolded part: did they prefer the staff and situation at Miami, purely from a football perspective?

If they did, then you could say the made a very narrow and short-minded decision. If they preferred the situation at Miami, it would have been better for his future, and thus better financially long-term. Now I know that’s hard to do when you have a deal like LSU’s in front of you…
and she wouldnt have been close to her son here in Miami? I'm not trying to start anything but that just sounds like some bullsh*t from her side. You can literally be close to your son right here and not have to live in ******* Baton Rouge.
She's lives in Mississippi and property down here right now is not easy. But that's giving us and her an excuse. I only know the side of it from our perspective. I'm sure people that know him and them can chime in more but is what it is.
I don't know who that is or what he said. But I know what Jalen and his mother told us. I know that he had been a silent for going on a month now. I get I don't bother putting things in open threads anymore so I don't have more headaches but it's been an ongoing topic with the several people I speak with in messages. Nothing new here. In the last 2 days before he committed she came to us and said she needed to be closer to her son. Doesn't make sense to me honestly because all that happens with houses anymore is it becomes a company property. She don't own it and once he's gone it will revert to them. I don't know how much of that was an actual issue to us. I just know that's the two things that changed with us
At the end of the day, man called something weeks ago and it came to fruition. Silent commit is not a commit. And he also said Keem aint coming here. So I'm believing that and everyone is free to believe what they want. As far as I can see counting silent local commits is fools gold. No one needs to honor a verbal commit and a silent verbal commit means even less as proven here
She's lives in Mississippi and property down here right now is not easy. But that's giving us and her an excuse. I only know the side of it from our perspective. I'm sure people that know him and them can chime in more but is what it is.
ahh sh*t I did not know she lived in Miss. I guess that makes more sense now.

Anyway, hope we can make a move with Hykeem and then hopefully after we win 10-11 games this year, Jalen comes back to us
U think her opinion could change on the matter again in the coming months? Or has Mario and them had enough of dealing with it?
Recruiting is always fluid brother. And Mario aint gonna be held hostage by a kid. We'll just have to see how it all plays out. I know that sounds wishy washy. But there's several factors in play here.
At the end of the day, man called something weeks ago and it came to fruition. Silent commit is not a commit. And he also said Keem aint coming here. So I'm believing that and everyone is free to believe what they want. As far as I can see counting silent local commits is fools gold. No one needs to honor a verbal commit and a silent verbal commit means even less as proven here
I'm glad u chimed in with that last part. Because a verbal means about a shred more than a silent. They're both simply a kids intentions being known. Only difference is they're starved for attention and decide to tell y'all. So what you're putting so much stock into is actually a kid proving how much they want the attention opposed to a kid coming out to a staff and saying this is where I'll be. Until pen meets paper they're both worthless.
Recruiting is always fluid brother. And Mario aint gonna be held hostage by a kid. We'll just have to see how it all plays out. I know that sounds wishy washy. But there's several factors in play here.
Lol hearing this has been a long time coming. **** its good to have him back. When I first messaged you about hating Manny and hoping Mario would come home, I was legit worried that ship had sailed after the way they treated him. If its a relief to me that he's back, I can't even imagine what its like you guys.
Your point is absolutely valid, but I’ll counter with this regarding the bolded part: did they prefer the staff and situation at Miami, purely from a football perspective?

If they did, then you could say the made a very narrow and short-minded decision. If they preferred the situation at Miami, it would have been better for his future, and thus better financially long-term. Now I know that’s hard to do when you have a deal like LSU’s in front of you…
No argument out of me. Bigger picture it's not even close. One thing that may have something to do with it(just my opinion) is where is he needed more at the position he wants to play? Reciever down here are dime a dozen and now with a staff that can close it makes that more obvious. If he's not super confident in himself as a elite reciever he may have seen that writing on the wall. I don't know. But what matters more from the schools perspective. Us landing a kid from our own backyard we're not in desperate need of OR LSU getting what's percieved as an elite recruit out of MIAMI that we wanted. I'd argue LSU needed this ALOT more than us.
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There are tons of apartments in Hialeah and Homestead for around $1,500 a month. Have Ruiz pay this and get the kid and his mom a good used car, a 2018 Honda Accord. Get the mom a job at the local Walmart at 216th St in US 1 as well. That will solve the problem, case closed.
I'm glad u chimed in with that last part. Because a verbal means about a shred more than a silent. They're both simply a kids intentions being known. Only difference is they're starved for attention and decide to tell y'all. So what you're putting so much stock into is actually a kid proving how much they want the attention opposed to a kid coming out to a staff and saying this is where I'll be. Until pen meets paper they're both worthless.
I don't think its worthless. Why do people say getting a QB helps with other recruits? We are making excuses that only SO FL kids get to use. And that's where we ending up in problems. Look what Baxter did, one OV to Texas, set commitment date. And we still have people counting him in our class. He aint coming here if he doesn't visit, prolly even if he does. But certainly if he doesn't. And i mean OV.
I'm not gonna get into much, but up until one week out Jalen Brown had gave us a silent and negotiated an nil. Inside of that last week a certain female became a new home owner in baton rouge (like that should mean much)and an issue from Vegas between several kids got blown out of proportion. Myself I'd say if a new trailer & a argument can cheat you out of your future,than this one ain't for u... But y'all feel free to go with whatever version you'd like of the story while the truth will set you free.
This honestly aligns pretty well with how things unfolded, at least publicly anyway. None of it made much sense, even LSU insiders weren’t all that confident about him until that last week or so.

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