2023 Hykeem Williams, 2023 WR (signs w/ Forfeit State)

Rivals had a write-up today of his five leaders. His exact words, albeit shortened (other than re: UM):

Florida State: It was good. . . . .
Texas A&M: It was good. . . .
Georgia: It was good. . . .
Pitt: Pitt is beautiful, the players bond so well. . . .
Miami: They are building something special. It’s crazy scary what they have in store. I feel like they're gonna do great things. It might not work next year, but trust me in the future it’ll be a great team.

Acutally, I was surprised that he was so much more effusive in his comments about UM than any other school. Maybe we do have a chance.

first time GIF

Rivals had a write-up today of his five leaders. His exact words, albeit shortened (other than re: UM):

Florida State: It was good. . . . .
Texas A&M: It was good. . . .
Georgia: It was good. . . .
Pitt: Pitt is beautiful, the players bond so well. . . .
Miami: They are building something special. It’s crazy scary what they have in store. I feel like they're gonna do great things. It might not work next year, but trust me in the future it’ll be a great team.

Acutally, I was surprised that he was so much more effusive in his comments about UM than any other school. Maybe we do have a chance.

I'm sorry and no disrespect but he said Pittsburgh is beautiful. WTF he has a skewed sense of beauty
Pitt is no longer that steel town of old, it has transformed itself. My dad was born there and have been back a few times. Has a very lively downtown and
plenty of entertainment options. Great park where the three rivers meet.
It’s transformed and way better than it used to be, but still kind of a **** hole.
Pitt is no longer that steel town of old, it has transformed itself. My dad was born there and have been back a few times. Has a very lively downtown and
plenty of entertainment options. Great park where the three rivers meet.

Don’t even try. 80% of this board can’t even afford an ice water on South Beach, yet if you try to tell them any other place on earth is remotely fun or cool or a halfway decent place to live, you’re most clueless person who has ever lived.
Don’t even try. 80% of this board can’t even afford an ice water on South Beach, yet if you try to tell them any other place on earth is remotely fun or cool or a halfway decent place to live, you’re most clueless person who has ever lived.
You do touch upon a real thing though, the cost of living in SFLA has gotten out of control. This is a problem in LA as well. Some one mentioned that Addison’s parents were ****ed on the house they got and it never registered to me just how expensive some of the most desired places to live in this country have become. A nice hotel room in Sobe is around 2 racks a night these days. Crazy.
You do touch upon a real thing though, the cost of living in SFLA has gotten out of control. This is a problem in LA as well. Some one mentioned that Addison’s parents were ****ed on the house they got and it never registered to me just how expensive some of the most desired places to live in this country have become. A nice hotel room in Sobe is around 2 racks a night these days. Crazy.

I’m not gonna turn this into an economics discussion, but yea, you’re right. Everything is out of control right now but I always found it humorous when dudes making $40k a year (nothing wrong with that, if you’re happy and you make it work, props to you) just absolutely ****ting on other places around the country. If you live in a multi-million dollar condo on the water overlooking the bay and you wanna LOL at other places or think kids are ******* retards for having the audacity to spend 5% of their lives in another city, go nuts. But if you live in Port St Lucie, haven’t stepped foot in Dade county since 2014 and you either bash recruits for their ludicrous decision to leave Miami or other posters for saying a place they’re from or visit is dope, you’re a clown.
Lol how many cycles have we been doing this..at no point can we stop recruiting Keem. These kids minds fluke asf. Stay hydrated b em

Don’t need no weak fluke minds on my roster lol if he think fsu a better opportunity than Um then he’s crazy