Hurricane History

Simpler time = white and colored water fountains

A fair point although I was referencing, among other things, the crime wave that starting plaguing Miami in the 80s and massive population growth. After posting it occurred to me that those Miami High teams were likely all white, at least until the mid-50s, and I wonder if there was a similar legacy among black high schools. I am completely ignorant about that period of integration in the city, so if you have some knowledge perhaps you would care to enlighten us?

Simpler time = white and colored water fountains

A fair point although I was referencing, among other things, the crime wave that starting plaguing Miami in the 80s and massive population growth. After posting it occurred to me that those Miami High teams were likely all white, at least until the mid-50s, and I wonder if there was a similar legacy among black high schools. I am completely ignorant about that period of integration in the city, so if you have some knowledge perhaps you would care to enlighten us?

My mother graduated Gables in '66 and it was all-white. Schools were segregated until at least the late 60s. There were schools in Dade that were segregated until the 70s, and some that were segregated by tradition, until the early 80s. The first school to integrate was an elementary school in 1959, with 4 black students. Orchard Villa. Back then Norland and Edison were all white schools. I know they started busing in the early 1970s too.
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Simpler time = white and colored water fountains

A fair point although I was referencing, among other things, the crime wave that starting plaguing Miami in the 80s and massive population growth. After posting it occurred to me that those Miami High teams were likely all white, at least until the mid-50s, and I wonder if there was a similar legacy among black high schools. I am completely ignorant about that period of integration in the city, so if you have some knowledge perhaps you would care to enlighten us?

My mother graduated Gables in '66 and it was all-white. Schools were segregated until at least the late 60s. There were schools in Dade that were segregated until the 70s, and some that were segregated by tradition, until the early 80s. The first school to integrate was an elementary school in 1959, with 4 black students. Orchard Villa. Back then Norland and Edison were all white schools.

My uncle was in her graduating class, not terribly surprising in the Gables. Good information on the history and definitely fills in a blind spot for me partially created by idealizing old Miami.
Simpler time = white and colored water fountains

That was not necessary.

I don't think you know how code words work. Simpler time is a code word for ^^^^^^

It was not intended as such, although I don't really care if you took it that way. People looking for racism where it doesn't exist are as much a part of the problem.

I didn't think you necessarily did
Joes point I think is that someone had made a statement minimizing anything of significance that happened with th Canes before 1980 when we became the U. (That actually happened in the seventies) If that was Joe's point I completely agree with him. We had some great teams with some good years and bad years.

Exactly as I am tired of younger fans dismissing the fact that we played football before the 80s when they came aboard the bandwagon. The same person thinks the FSU rap video was more insulting than the Flop
Miami won all of its Football and Baseball Titles after the 80s when Miami became the U... Before that it was like a community college after that it was University this is my opinion.

This was a post by the founder of a Hurricane Facebook page in discussion about hate for FSU or Florida as he thinks the Flop is insignificant because it was in 70's when he was born in 80's

Tell the Founder of the Hurricane Facebook page that he is an incoherent buffoon.
Go Canes!

Amen as he cant be serious with his post opinion or is too young
He is 35 years old and knows all

Then he should be old enough to remember folks like Dan LeBarturd and Armando Salguero piling on, and ratting out, their alma-maters
during the 1990s when the school was getting hammered by everyone, including the NCAA.
Yet those 2 pieces of horses ***** are beloved by the local soFla folks, including many so-called Cane fans.
Our fan base is a joke.
Many of them with no sense of history or pride.
He is 35 years old and knows all

Then he should be old enough to remember folks like Dan LeBarturd and Armando Salguero piling on, and ratting out, their alma-maters
during the 1990s when the school was getting hammered by everyone, including the NCAA.
Yet those 2 pieces of horses ***** are beloved by the local soFla folks, including many so-called Cane fans.
Our fan base is a joke.
Many of them with no sense of history or pride.

Amen to that. I was dropped from page from questioning him on that issue. He claims to have largest Canes Facebook page but the leadership is clueless
He is 35 years old and knows all

Then he should be old enough to remember folks like Dan LeBarturd and Armando Salguero piling on, and ratting out, their alma-maters
during the 1990s when the school was getting hammered by everyone, including the NCAA.
Yet those 2 pieces of horses ***** are beloved by the local soFla folks, including many so-called Cane fans.
Our fan base is a joke.
Many of them with no sense of history or pride.[/]

What was lebetard saying in the 90s
He is 35 years old and knows all

Then he should be old enough to remember folks like Dan LeBarturd and Armando Salguero piling on, and ratting out, their alma-maters
during the 1990s when the school was getting hammered by everyone, including the NCAA.
Yet those 2 pieces of horses ***** are beloved by the local soFla folks, including many so-called Cane fans.
Our fan base is a joke.
Many of them with no sense of history or pride.[/]

What was lebetard saying in the 90s

He was piling on his alma-mater at the same time the NCAA was investigating the program and many media outlets were putting out hit pieces....he and his fellow classmate Salguero wrote lengthy, page 1 type, exposes in the Miami Herald detailing (actually snitching) first-hand accounts of what they saw in their day as beat reporter for the school paper.....they essentially affirmed what other media outlets were saying and it was brought up by th NCAA during their hearing....those rat come pingon snitches fornicated their school so they can advance their respective careers.
And that same rat come pinga has the chutzpah to show up on those stupid 30 for 30 ESPN minstrel shows dressed up in all-black gear as if he's some hardened UM player....he is a douchebag....I hate thiefs, snitches and douchebags and he is all three and I went to great lengths to let him know....I am ashamed that him and his retarded Dad share the same heritage that I do.
Went on site diehard Hurricane fans and saw the comment and how Steven Seder totally dissed Joe when facts were presented. Totally classless
Everyone knows or should know Miami football didn't start to have success, like most of these southern schools except Bama, until black athletes started getting scholarships to D1 programs in the south around the late 60s - early 70s of course you needed time for the rosters to be fully integrated through recruiting in was around in the late 70s early 80s thats when FSU, UM went on their run almost at the same and UIF came a little later after they got Spurrier. When UM, FSU, and UF started accepting black player and little did they know they were sitting on a hotbed filled with hungry D1 championship level black kids that lived there and they started recruited them and the state of florida swallowed 2 decades of CFB.) From 1985 To 2005 (20 years - 2005 is the cut off point because that when OOS schools started really emphasizing recruiting Florida kids) Miami, UF, or FSU either won the title, lost in the NCG, or finished #2 in either the AP poll or BCS poll 15/20 years... a more than half.

Also, Southern Cal (USC) stole 2 decades because they integrated in the late 50s early 60s. Hence why there is a large gap when you look at their championships won. They had not won a title before the 1960s since 1939 then they integrated and dominated 2 decades (60s and mainly the 70s) before everyone else could catch up.
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Miami was first major Southern School to have black football player in 1966 when Ray Bellamy signed a grant in aid. He had a great sophomore season as Freshman didn't play back then. His football career was cut short by a serious car accident. Miamis top skill players most of the 70s were African American but not many from Miami. FSU and Florida signed first black players in 1968. For someone to suggest that Miami was like a community college before the 80s and call themselves a Canes fan is ridiculous