How much longer until we declare LT officially a bust?

Just because what he is asked to do (or out of necessity has to do) doesn't align with your expectations, doesn't make him a bust.
I didn’t rate him a five star. Five stars are rated as such based on projected likelihood of success at college and the pros. Sure he gets doubled a lot and I’m certain is asked to protect gaps and keep the LBs clean, but he also isn’t making many plays. More disappointing is that he’s only playing half the snaps of the others.
I didn’t rate him a five star.
You may not have rated him, but your expectations are that he should perform as one. Otherwise, there's no justification to say he's a bust.
Five stars are rated as such based on projected likelihood of success at college and the pros.
Wrong. Five stars are rated solely on a projection that they will be a first-round selection. That's why there are only 32 5* a year, across all positions.
Sure he gets doubled a lot and I’m certain is asked to protect gaps and keep the LBs clean, but he also isn’t making many plays.
The expectation for a 3 gap and a 0/1 gap is completely different, so much so that you have to consider them as two different positions. It doesn't matter that his skill set is more suited to 3 tech. Other teams are forcing him into 0/1 tech role because that have no concern for anyone else.
More disappointing is that he’s only playing half the snaps of the others.
Is that your hot take? Do you know that as a fact? Have you been tracking snap counts?
You may not have rated him, but your expectations are that he should perform as one. Otherwise, there's no justification to say he's a bust.

Wrong. Five stars are rated solely on a projection that they will be a first-round selection. That's why there are only 32 5* a year, across all positions.

The expectation for a 3 gap and a 0/1 gap is completely different, so much so that you have to consider them as two different positions. It doesn't matter that his skill set is more suited to 3 tech. Other teams are forcing him into 0/1 tech role because that have no concern for anyone else.

Is that your hot take? Do you know that as a fact? Have you been tracking snap counts?
First off, if you want an argument, call your ex-girlfriend, not me. I'm a Canes fan and alum, not just a random internet *****, although you're entitled to your opinion.
You're right, I do expect him to play like a first rounder because again, you're right; the five stars are based on projected first round draft pick. Let me apologize for not spelling that out as eloquently as you did. Kudos to you. I know it made you feel good to say "wrong" and I bet you also were thinking about putting it in all caps, but I digress.
I understand the diference between 3 and 0/1. I get the concepts behind maintaining gap integrity and keeping the LBs clean. Again, thanks for the abridged explanation - I'm sure that made you feel good too.

My hot take? No. I let that go about 10 minutes after my first cup of coffee this morning and made reference to it in the Mincey recruiting post a little earlier. Have I been tracking? Well, what's your definition of tracking, counting each snap? No. Have I seen snap count totals from other sites, yes and they match what I've heard on podcasts. LifeWallet lists them and I'm not taking the time to vet out their numbers for accuracy. My life might be mundane, but I do have one. Here are the totals:
Miami (OH) - 15
Texas A&M - 43
Bethune - 14
Temple - 29 (high for DT for the game)
GT - 28
UNC - I can't get the actual numbers because LifeWallet didn't post it yet that I'm aware of and I'm not paying for a subscription to the other sites. However, I can tell you that CaneSport (insert jokes here if you must) said he played half the snaps of other DTs in the game and I believe the number was around 25, but don't quote me. The number itself is not critical. The part that is critical is that he is not making game changing plays nor on the field enough to make an impact. By his own admission, he takes a LOT of plays off, whether on the sideline or disappearing in the wash. Does he have talent? **** yes he does and that's what is so frustrating about all of it. We've all been waiting for 2.5 years now for him to explode, but his snap counts seem to be going down.

If you want to read the tea leaves on all that and pick it apart, have at it. However, prior to doing that, I would ask you aside from a flash here and there, what has he done to make anyone defend my original post so vehemently?
Local kids gonna love reading these message boards from some of you "fans" when adversity hits

Kid's gonna play in the NFL, he's not a bust at all.
Are those Dade goons really that mentally fragile that they'll allow message board criticisms effect them adversely? Should "fans" ignore what they see in terms of performance and production as to not hurt feelings? I'm sure the excuse making and enabling done by the supporters will balance things out. I have no problem calling Spades exactly as they are.

I wouldn't call him a bust, but he's **** sure underperformed and has been a disappointment based on the expectations and his alleged talent.
Guarantee 2 TFL vs Clemson.
College Football GIF by Miami Hurricanes

This is why I love our fans, so aggressively clueless it’s actually entertaining.

Perfectly said.

Aggressively clueless.

Guys that wear Bermuda shorts up around their armpits and never played a sport in their lives, look at a couple of DT stats and judge just on that. Don’t know a ******* thing about football.

Sometimes I wonder if I was this ignorant that I might not be a happier person. Just blissfully walking around like a complete idiot not understanding anything about anything. I’ll bet it’s not a bad life, just empty skulls not knowing how bad off they have it.

Aggressively clueless. I wish I would’ve thought of it.

This is why I love our fans, so aggressively clueless it’s actually entertaining.


@Memnon I would check your graphic a little closer. Mine seems to back up what I said.
Might help if you slide away from LT's nether region as you will likely be able to see better without his dong in your mouth. I'll work on my aggressive cluelessness in the meantime.
OP taking a beating these past couple of weeks. Poor guy. Lol
Shaking Head Reaction GIF by GIPHY News
I'm still here. LT played well against Clemson. Kudos. He deserves praise for that. I'm also not rooting against the kid just so I can be "right." I'm a Cane fan and alum. I will not sit back quietly while others tell lies to make their feelings ok. "Bust" might be a bit harsh - a bit - but LT has not played up to the 5 star billing. I hope that he continues to improve.
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@Memnon I would check your graphic a little closer. Mine seems to back up what I said.
Might help if you slide away from LT's nether region as you will likely be able to see better without his dong in your mouth. I'll work on my aggressive cluelessness in the meantime.
First of all, you GTFOH with that bullsh*t, talking about somebody's dong in a mouth.

And secondly, instead of doubling down on your really awful take, you wanna start sending insults which proves exactly how off you were on this because all that graphic proves is that in the games he had the most reps he played his best ball.

The fact show he's not anything close to a Bust as you would like to describe, but instead of just saying you may have been premature in your assessment & holding your L, you wanna take pop-shots, which is really funny because you don't even realize you're arguing against your own point with that graphic.

Stick with making it a Football discussion, hurling insults at me ain't the road you wanna go down...
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