How many employee no shows?

OP is a *** who doesn't understand business strategy at all. just likes to whine on the internet about **** he wasnt born with the brains to understand.

employee day is always on some cupcake or semi-cupcake that wouldn't ever sell out normally. we used to make games like LA Tech employee day. so you get a bunch of professors or lab techs or clerical people, who may have never been much into football at all, to come and check out this sport basically free. if they like it, now for the price of a few $25 tickets that wouldn't have been ****ing sold anyway, you get someone who might go to 2-3 games a year for the rest of their lives, maybe become diehard fans, pass on the fandom to their kids, etc.

**** i hate internet ******s.

Go **** your mother.


Well, this clown comes out of nowhere with personal attacks over a pretty innocuous thread, that was 90% sarcasm and humor.

I have a Doctorate degree, for God's sake! And this pillow biter attacks my business acumen? The nerve of some people! Perhaps he was one of the employees that partook of tickets, yet will not come and support the team? Perhaps.

I am sure those proclaiming righteous indignation over my retort would be shocked, shocked at his comments towards me in his neg. Indubitably!

tryin too hard nukka, gtfo

I hope they have some way of finding and punishing those employees who took a bunch of free tickets and sat at home.

They deserve to suffer the trials of the damned.

Maybe go round them up, bring them to the stadium, and crucify them, or make them fight animals or eachother at halftime to entertain the crowd that did show up.
When did this happen ?
OP is a *** who doesn't understand business strategy at all. just likes to whine on the internet about **** he wasnt born with the brains to understand.

employee day is always on some cupcake or semi-cupcake that wouldn't ever sell out normally. we used to make games like LA Tech employee day. so you get a bunch of professors or lab techs or clerical people, who may have never been much into football at all, to come and check out this sport basically free. if they like it, now for the price of a few $25 tickets that wouldn't have been ****ing sold anyway, you get someone who might go to 2-3 games a year for the rest of their lives, maybe become diehard fans, pass on the fandom to their kids, etc.

**** i hate internet ******s.

Go **** your mother.


Well, this clown comes out of nowhere with personal attacks over a pretty innocuous thread, that was 90% sarcasm and humor.

I have a Doctorate degree, for God's sake! And this pillow biter attacks my business acumen? The nerve of some people! Perhaps he was one of the employees that partook of tickets, yet will not come and support the team? Perhaps.

I am sure those proclaiming righteous indignation over my retort would be shocked, shocked at his comments towards me in his neg. Indubitably!

tryin too hard nukka, gtfo

Tears lol
OP is a *** who doesn't understand business strategy at all. just likes to whine on the internet about **** he wasnt born with the brains to understand.

employee day is always on some cupcake or semi-cupcake that wouldn't ever sell out normally. we used to make games like LA Tech employee day. so you get a bunch of professors or lab techs or clerical people, who may have never been much into football at all, to come and check out this sport basically free. if they like it, now for the price of a few $25 tickets that wouldn't have been ****ing sold anyway, you get someone who might go to 2-3 games a year for the rest of their lives, maybe become diehard fans, pass on the fandom to their kids, etc.

**** i hate internet ******s.

Go **** your mother.


Well, this clown comes out of nowhere with personal attacks over a pretty innocuous thread, that was 90% sarcasm and humor.

I have a Doctorate degree, for God's sake! And this pillow biter attacks my business acumen? The nerve of some people! Perhaps he was one of the employees that partook of tickets, yet will not come and support the team? Perhaps.

I am sure those proclaiming righteous indignation over my retort would be shocked, shocked at his comments towards me in his neg. Indubitably!

tryin too hard nukka, gtfo

What are you still doing around here? I thought I told you to go **** your mother!
I want to know specifically how many employees got tickets, and what they paid for them.

You can't handle the truth.

We'll never know. All I'm getting is smoke and mirrors.

You're on two boards all worked up over this employee ticket thing. At the end of the day, does it really matter that much to you?

I've asked because I don't work there. That means I don't know how it works, so I asked. I'm not "all worked up" about it. I thought it was a pretty straight forward question. I don't really understand the reaction. You would think I walked into CIA headquarters and asked to see all their files. I know they have an employee day every year, but I curious about the impact on ticket sales. I promise not to sell any of the information to the Russians.
the orange lots are already sold out... that sucks... means you cant pay cash day of --- whats going to really suck is a 1/2 empty giant parking lots on both sides of the stadium
For those of you who would like some objective analysis, there only 1,687 tickets available on StubHub the night before the game. This is a good sign, because the people who were very apathetic about the game and just got free tickets would probably be trying to sell them. 1.5k tickets indicate it should be pretty full, Miami is starting to build up hype in SFL, and everyone knows if you win in SFL the fans show. Well Miami is winning, and you see that in the night before stubhub numbers. I predict tarps up, but pretty full, so 60k.
I've seen a few emails from employees selling the tix they got - 4 tix, parking pass and - some with a $40 food voucher - for $13

Been thinking of getting some just for the food voucher
OP is a *** who doesn't understand business strategy at all. just likes to whine on the internet about **** he wasnt born with the brains to understand.

employee day is always on some cupcake or semi-cupcake that wouldn't ever sell out normally. we used to make games like LA Tech employee day. so you get a bunch of professors or lab techs or clerical people, who may have never been much into football at all, to come and check out this sport basically free. if they like it, now for the price of a few $25 tickets that wouldn't have been ******* sold anyway, you get someone who might go to 2-3 games a year for the rest of their lives, maybe become diehard fans, pass on the fandom to their kids, etc.

**** i hate internet ******s.

LMFAO you must be new to SmokeDogg porsts.
40k normally for WF.

School in genius plan distributes and extra 25k tix.

60k at WF game.

Fans complain here. Sounds legit.
OP is a *** who doesn't understand business strategy at all. just likes to whine on the internet about **** he wasnt born with the brains to understand.

employee day is always on some cupcake or semi-cupcake that wouldn't ever sell out normally. we used to make games like LA Tech employee day. so you get a bunch of professors or lab techs or clerical people, who may have never been much into football at all, to come and check out this sport basically free. if they like it, now for the price of a few $25 tickets that wouldn't have been ****ing sold anyway, you get someone who might go to 2-3 games a year for the rest of their lives, maybe become diehard fans, pass on the fandom to their kids, etc.

**** i hate internet ******s.

Go **** your mother.
