How did you find CanesInSight

How did you find CanesInSight?

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How did you find CanesInSight? If more than one option applies than select both options. For example, if you have found CanesInSight due to a linked thread on Facebook then select both of those options.
You told me.
another c@cksucker?

what the **** is going on here? the c@cksuckers are exposing themselves.


My memory of the Lounge side of the migration is incomplete (possibly probably inaccurate) because I wasn't super active there but I'll do my best:
  • While CIS is only 10 years old, the community that started it goes back to the mid/late 90s back when it was EyeOfTheHurricane, then Grassy, then Canestime when it was folded into the Scout network.
  • An upper level network admin (Moni) gave AUCane a network-global permaban for posting her personal deets in a thread.
    • AU didn't post her personal deets (someone else did), just her Scout profile picture in a thread about Scout. It was bull****.
    • This ****ed off alot of people on grassy, both in the Lounge and premium boards, because AU was an OG and longtime sub.
      • Premium people were super ****ed because of AU's standing, and were already upset about content quality (my post earlier).
      • Lounge people were ****ed because this was the latest example of Scout becoming more heavy handed. After Fox Sports purchased Scout, they became like the Spanish Inquisition when it came to curtailing Lounge shenanigans.
        • About a year earlier a splinter group of Lounge people consisting of Vishnu's crew left to form Sebastian's Pub, after some of them got banned (Banned of Brothers) for raiding other Scout network boards. (needs citation questionmark?)
        • Not to mention the long complaints of moderation in general which caused the CanesOverHere splinter group about 5 years prior to that from what I'll call "The Great Coker and Politics Wars" of the mid aughts.
    • Mods Larrrrrrrrrrry and Tano appealed to Bakas and Moni through DM's.
      • Tano posted them here, but I think the thread was moved to the wEz when it split off.
        • That was one of the first threads here and probably has all of the missing pieces and/or stuff I got wrong.
    • On November 2, 2011, Larrrrrrrry and Tano's efforts to get AU unbanned failed, and **** hit the fan.
      • D$, Lu, and bAndrew were gearing up to launch this place a few weeks/months later, but struck early to capitalize, and started handing out links to here like inflatable tubes for us to hop in. That's why the oldest usernames outside of them have that join date.
      • CanesInSight had over 1,000 registered user names in the first 5 days, along with over 250k thread views.
        • The gameday thread for the November 11, 2011 UM/FSU game on here is over 100 pages long. The gameday thread in the Lounge was just 6 pages.
    • Aftermath:
      • When Scout went **** up, 247 acquired it. Moni works for them now. :6fps6:
      • Ferman purchased the CanesTime url and it redirects to Canesport. :****:
      • The wEz was splintered off from here as its own site.
      • Sebastian's Pub is still going, and Vishnu gained lots of pub for the Pub with his articles about the Shapiro stuff and is now involved with the FiveReasons guys.
      • CanesOverHere went away for a while, but Mario's return seems to have reinvigorated the Banner man. Mario is already working wonders for this fanbase.
View attachment 174113

Feel free to correct or add on.
This was worth every penny, thank you. Inaccurate or not, it’s the truth, fills in a lot of details that predated my involvement. Sure it’s that way for a lot of people.

Is AU the @AUcane of this site? I assume so, maybe he can confirm. I’d always heard about the deets issue with Moni but had a lot of details left out. Sucks that someone posted her info, but also that she went after the wrong people and there was no reprieve. Seems like that was just the tip of a very long spear though, and it brought us all here.

I had no idea about the Vishnu part. I’ve gotten to know him a bit over the years through twitter. Happy he’s found success and he seems reinvigorated by Mah-ree-Oh!

Never had any interactions with CanesOverHere, but good to see the tide lifting all ships right now. Same with Shadow’s board, which I presume has gotten an affectionate kick in the butt too.

Thanks for all the info man.
How did you find CanesInSight? If more than one option applies than select both options. For example, if you have found CanesInSight due to a linked thread on Facebook then select both of those options.
To be honest. Ive been around since Grassy/Shadow days. Used to go by Cane83 then. Somehow I just went with the flow.
This was worth every penny, thank you. Inaccurate or not, it’s the truth, fills in a lot of details that predated my involvement. Sure it’s that way for a lot of people.

Is AU the @AUcane of this site? I assume so, maybe he can confirm. I’d always heard about the deets issue with Moni but had a lot of details left out. Sucks that someone posted her info, but also that she went after the wrong people and there was no reprieve. Seems like that was just the tip of a very long spear though, and it brought us all here.

I had no idea about the Vishnu part. I’ve gotten to know him a bit over the years through twitter. Happy he’s found success and he seems reinvigorated by Mah-ree-Oh!

Never had any interactions with CanesOverHere, but good to see the tide lifting all ships right now. Same with Shadow’s board, which I presume has gotten an affectionate kick in the butt too.

Thanks for all the info man.

Yep, @Dan E. Dangerously nailed it. I was collateral damage. I posted in the Lounge thread where Moni's personal details were shared. Have no idea why she targeted me. I wrote to on a daily basis seeking reinstatement to no avail. lol And yes, I forgot who it was but either Larrrrry, Tano or even Deis might have temporarily unbanned me so I could have my last bit of fun in the Lounge until I was banned again.
I am not really sure... I got drunk one night and the next thing I knew I woke up next it in bed and didnt really ask any questions. Now it just lives with me.
My memory of the Lounge side of the migration is incomplete (possibly probably inaccurate) because I wasn't super active there but I'll do my best:
  • While CIS is only 10 years old, the community that started it goes back to the mid/late 90s back when it was EyeOfTheHurricane, then Grassy, then Canestime when it was folded into the Scout network.
  • An upper level network admin (Moni) gave AUCane a network-global permaban for posting her personal deets in a thread.
    • AU didn't post her personal deets (someone else did), just her Scout profile picture in a thread about Scout. It was bull****.
    • This ****ed off alot of people on grassy, both in the Lounge and premium boards, because AU was an OG and longtime sub.
      • Premium people were super ****ed because of AU's standing, and were already upset about content quality (my post earlier).
      • Lounge people were ****ed because this was the latest example of Scout becoming more heavy handed. After Fox Sports purchased Scout, they became like the Spanish Inquisition when it came to curtailing Lounge shenanigans.
        • About a year earlier a splinter group of Lounge people consisting of Vishnu's crew left to form Sebastian's Pub, after some of them got banned (Banned of Brothers) for raiding other Scout network boards. (needs citation questionmark?)
        • Not to mention the long complaints of moderation in general which caused the CanesOverHere splinter group about 5 years prior to that from what I'll call "The Great Coker and Politics Wars" of the mid aughts.
    • Mods Larrrrrrrrrrry and Tano appealed to Bakas and Moni through DM's.
      • Tano posted them here, but I think the thread was moved to the wEz when it split off.
        • That was one of the first threads here and probably has all of the missing pieces and/or stuff I got wrong.
    • On November 2, 2011, Larrrrrrrry and Tano's efforts to get AU unbanned failed, and **** hit the fan.
      • D$, Lu, and bAndrew were gearing up to launch this place a few weeks/months later, but struck early to capitalize, and started handing out links to here like inflatable tubes for us to hop in. That's why the oldest usernames outside of them have that join date.
      • CanesInSight had over 1,000 registered user names in the first 5 days, along with over 250k thread views.
        • The gameday thread for the November 11, 2011 UM/FSU game on here is over 100 pages long. The gameday thread in the Lounge was just 6 pages.
    • Aftermath:
      • When Scout went **** up, 247 acquired it. Moni works for them now. :6fps6:
      • Ferman purchased the CanesTime url and it redirects to Canesport. :****:
      • The wEz was splintered off from here as its own site.
      • Sebastian's Pub is still going, and Vishnu gained lots of pub for the Pub with his articles about the Shapiro stuff and is now involved with the FiveReasons guys.
      • CanesOverHere went away for a while, but Mario's return seems to have reinvigorated the Banner man. Mario is already working wonders for this fanbase.
View attachment 174113

Feel free to correct or add on.

You nailed this. Btw, had no idea randy relaunched COH. Lol

You sure glossed over all the issues they had on that site and posters across forums going at each other. Lol good times.

Is shadow still around?
Wanted to make human contact with some Miami fans before the big game in Atlanta. The give and take in the forum seem less hysterical and more knowledgable than many SEC sites. That's a compliment.

By the way, the absolute worst place to ever share a football thought would be the notorious SEC Rant. The world's largest ongoing food fight.
IIRC, Was on another site with you guys, cannot remember what the name, maybe it was German site . There was some mass Exodus or Fallout. I stood with the people. They created this and here we are