I watched the game from beginning to end; was it holding by the letter of the law? Yes, but was it also ticky tack & poorly called based upon the juncture of the game? Yes.
What irks me about fans, & staff alike is when laser focus is on one play, but in reality, Utah had every opportunity to put a nail in this game’s coffin. They allowed BYU to hang in; &, what’s also hilarious is I guess Utah fans r forgetting the phantom face mask penalty that allowed them to score b4 half time, too. Lol
Both Utah & BYU r new to the Big XII. This notion of “Mormons paid the refs” rhetoric is propaganda & conspiracy theories. The Champion of the Big XII is getting in regardless if it’s BYU, Iowa St, Colorado, etc. so BYU winning or losing does nothing b/c the champion of the conference is getting in, & most likely, only the champion is getting in.
Utah has a right to be upset about the outcome, & they also need to be upset w/ how passive they were in the 2nd half scoring exactly 0 points.