HOF Game


Go Canes
I can definitely get down with that tigress.
I would only add the Bennie was the most feared by anyone coming into his area. Man was destruction on feet. All that said, Fred Marion remains my favorite. Thinking that he doesn’t make top three is a unbelievable tribute to our program and the greats we had.

You can pick one, think they are the GOAT, then remember what the next was capable of and then change your mind. They are all interchangeable as the best in the own way, just glad they are all Canes.

As said before though, some fans are young, or became Cane fans as a result of championships, so they don't know some of the players that came through the program.

To me , and I know some may strongly disagree , the top safeties to ever play here are 1 Reed 2 Taylor and 3 Bennie Blades . ST26 was more physically gifted and a great player but Reed's instincts were just something no one else had or has.

That’s my list. I wasn’t born when Bennie played but I take you and my dad’s word for it. But 1&2 are my favorites all time.
To me , and I know some may strongly disagree , the top safeties to ever play here are 1 Reed 2 Taylor and 3 Bennie Blades . ST26 was more physically gifted and a great player but Reed's instincts were just something no one else had or has.
When I watched Reed play. I was never blown away by his physical abilities such as speed or strength, but the guy had the best instincts I've ever saw. He never even looked like he was playing hard but seemed to know where the ball was going to be before the receiver did. The definition of a ball hawk. And it was a pleasure to watch him play.