High School Football Update

You can't shut the entire country down for more then a year. People still need to live life. If you health issues or are elderly then stay home

it doesnt work that way bc healthy people w no risk factors still live with people who may have risk factors. no one is shutting down but avoiding certain activities may be required for the short term
Lol. No state is playing football.
NJ just got the OK for contact sports to begin with health protocols. There's going to be a modified schedule with like 6 regular season games and a 4-team playoff in each section. This provided our numbers remain trending in the right direction.


You can ruin a lot of kids lives by delaying or cancelling sports. HS is critical time for their growth and development. Canceling sports or going fully online, will put a lot of these kids in the streets or bad situations.
You can ruin a lot of kids lives by delaying or cancelling sports. HS is critical time for their growth and development. Canceling sports or going fully online, will put a lot of these kids in the streets or bad situations.


Kids have been out of school since March, and MS-13 hasn't quadrupled in size.
My old man is 77. Start his 3rd week hospitalized. Beat the pneumonia part officially yesterday. Working on gettingthe kidneys up to snuff. If i read my sister's text correctly he's finally tested negative. All hope and courage to Coach. If hes a fighter and with proper care he'll come out of it ok.

Best wishes for your father
Thank You. I appreciate it. You're a straight up dude. I'm confident we're getting to the tails end of this virus and confidence in this country's medical workers should be sky high. Those people working in the hospitals ,goid or bad, are working their tails off.

Honestly. Best of luck. I sadly know what it’s like to have loved ones critically ill, but it sounds like your dad is a tough dude and he’ll pull through. At the end of the day, family is all that counts