High School “Powerhouses” lifting coaches...any accountability?

Any player out there want to be a baller and stay a star, and don't have to worry about the liftin coach trying to be all up breakin yo spine, crushing your larynx, tearin' ACLs..... come to Southlake Carroll.

( notice the High school IPF, ewhh wee Texas has money to burn)
No lie i never really cared to lift and had long arms. Had no s&c until college and even then it was subpar. Im telling you ..they told us to take weight training as a class...(which had like a 70 yr old teacher in there and we would work out for like 30 mins and shoot the sh*t) and coach told us to get an la fitness membership lmao. Sh*t was remarkable we won good amount of games and put guys into college let alone 2 nfl players.

Yea, I’m just saying you'd done it if it had been a priority.. just messing with you. Pretty sure you were probably lifting it as a freshman in college.

The long arms is a bltch though..I don’t have that problem. Good thing I’m not a boxer