Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]


You’re not going to hear the real reason from the coaches, but the team will tell you soon enough… it was trying to get Chaney 100 yard game (would this have been his 1st).

Trust me. People know their stats late in the games.

This won’t be said by coaches, but I’m 99.99 positive it’s why the called the run.
I know Mario did the mistake. Also where was the OC, the whole staff? Wtf is TVD thinking? You wanna be an NFL QB? You gotta be able to call a TO and discuss with your coach. Like wtf? Bunch of babied players.
Mario should publicly apologize to all the players, the school, the alumni, and all the fans. He needs to humble himself and take all the criticism.
It’s the tough guy in him that man this dumb *** decision to run the ball in the first place…
B/c it had to have been intentional. That is the only explanation that makes sense. At a minimum the OC, QB and center all had to actively take part. Then there were about 100 other people who could have said 'why aren't we kneeling?' The only thing that makes sense is they were running on purpose and counting on Chaney not fumbling.
So they all need to be fired.
I've never in my life witnessed something so idiotic. Like how do you not take a knee? There literally is no explanation in the entire world. The DUMBEST move by someone paying millions of dollars to runa program
Yep, our season is absolutely over. We will lose big the rest of the way. If I was a recruit I would not come to this dumpster fire.