Herald article: NCAA makes mockery of "speedy trial"

Forget logic or precedent. I feel like they are going to add another bowl ban just because they can. The NCAA would never want to foster the perception that we got off with a slap on the wrist (regardless of how offbase that perception might be).

That's why they are going to take scholarships and issue show causes. There will be no "slap on the wrist". No more bowl bans.
It's a perception issue, IMO. I don't think the NCAA will feel like they are winning the PR battle if they do not hand out at least one bowl ban that was not self imposed. They need to flex their muscle so that the Colin Cohwerds of the world don't go off on tangents about how Miami got off easy by self imposing bowl bans, one coming after a 6 - 6 season. Again, I hope I'm wrong but I don't trust these ******** at all.

You could also go the other route and say the NCAA will use Miami as an example of what a school should do when they are under investigation and that is to cooperate fully and fall on your sword.

Whether a bowl ban is self imposed or imposed doesn't really matter. The key is that a school forfeited a post season bowl game and we've given up 2 and a conference championship game.

The one thing that is certain is that by dragging this out for over 2 years the NCAA really screwed us in the recruiting scenario. Golden said it right that we've been on probation, like double secret probation since he took the wheel and that has been a huge punishment already imposed upon us.
