Has anyone checked in on Cribby??

Everytime I read about your and your bull gator partner I think you're just flaunting your *** life on here.
Awkward Fuck My Life GIF

The five things I did last week;

1. Read Gator Tears thread.
2. Called my bull gator partner to see if he had anything of interest to post on CIS.
3. Posted in the Gator Tears thread.
4. Upvoted Dmoney’s practice update.
5. Sent UMFarArcher to find Cribby.

What about this week?

And it's fine if you repeat the first 4 every week...
What about this week?

And it's fine if you repeat the first 4 every week...
What I did last week.

1. Went to a working lunch to discuss further firm expansion (had shrimp and grits).
2. Read newest posts in Gator Tears thread.
3. Checked 24/7 school recruiting rankings.
4. Got summary judgment in employment discrimination case against firm. Celebrated by hosting happy hour.
5. Implemented new dating policy for lawyers-staff remains verboten.