Harrison-Hunte Update

There's no way to guess what a kid will do in college let alone the NFL. No way at all. Because how do you know if he'll fit the system he'll play in? Who will his coaches be, and will he have coaching stability? Will he grow the way you think? Will he put in the work to do what he's capable of? Even if he does, will he get injured? What about concussions? Will he keep up academically? Will he stick to his weight lifting/nutrition plan, or does he just neeeed those late night doritos? Will he need to leave school to be with an ailing mother, and if so will he come back? Will he accidentally kill a man in a bar fight his JR year and go to prison? Car accident?

This sounds silly, but think about the number of variables involved, then ask yourself if it's even vaguely possible to project a kid's future.

Despite what they may say, the services are rating the potential of a kid, nothing more. The problem here, the only problem, is that you guys are insisting that their ratings mean more than that. They don't.
Are you saying this kid is the next Aaron Donald?
You never know right? Could be! People I’m sure would have laughed if someone said Aaron Donald out of high school would be the next warren Sapp but he sure is on the way to being that now so far in his young career.
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I know there's been a lot of talk how about good this big kid is but let me break down some notes from his recruitment.
  1. Offers: Alabama, Miami, Michigan, Penn State, and Ohio State. That is about as good of an offer list as you can put together for a defensive tackle. Coach Kool visited him in mid January to convince him to OV which tells you a lot about this kid.
  2. Visits: Miami twice, Penn State 7 times, and Ohio State twice. He went to Penn State 7 times and we are the front runner. We've been burned so many times by kids who have lived on our campus and left us empty handed. Feels good to have it happen to Penn State and Ohio State.
  3. Prospect: I know everyone gets caught up in stars but it's rare that you find a 286 pound dude who moves like he's 260. He's got a thick frame with great lower body strength. This kid is uber athletic and has a perfect frame for Coach Simpson to sculpt.
If we land this kid, which is expected, it is a huge win for Coach Simpson and Coach Diaz. Don't let the stars fool you, this kid can be a major DT for us and in the league.
Close this thread or at least learn something from this amazing post
LoL, you have a fixed thought process, instead of understanding what progress is you actually are trying to down play recent and actual True accomplishments, the "scorned woman spirit" continues to be alive and well.
Everything you attribute to Richt would never have been possible without Manny Diaz. It was the defense that keyed that 10 win season. It was the defense that made the ACC Championship Game appearance possible.
I predict JHH will be a major force on Sundays. Either playing in the NFL, preaching in a church, devouring platefuls of food or sitting down heavily for an afternoon nap — he has lots of options. Mark my words: he WILL be a force on Sundays.
Everything you attribute to Richt would never have been possible without Manny Diaz. It was the defense that keyed that 10 win season. It was the defense that made the ACC Championship Game appearance possible.

A real simple question for you, under who's leadership was the majority of this staff put together, since it seems like people want to try and distance coach richt from the team accomplishments.

Another question for you, without looking it up, who was the d-co at Bama this year, and had Bama won the title would you have said it was because of the coordinators or saban. That's the type of hypocrisy that goes on here on this board and by alot of these new clown bandwagon UM fans. The simple fact that you said "everything" attributed to coach richt would not have been possible if it wasnt for coach diaz, why start out lying, you lose instant credibility doing that. **** the year before that was a 9 win season, had Fsu on the ropes, and we win that game, with kaaya at qb we might've went a tad bit further. Its idiotic to try and separate coach richt from the successes of the team and just try and assign him the shortcomings, that'll never make sense to the sane. Because pretty much none of those accomplishments happened until coach richt got here, you on the wrong road!