Hard Rock seating


ALL lives matter. Back the Blue!
Jan 2, 2016
What are the best seats in the lower level at Hard Rock. Looking at sections 144 and 148. Never been to the stadium and wondering if you can see over the players if you are really close to the field. Thanks.Are there any better seats or sections?

Hotel ideas ? The Hard Rock with a Casino looks ok, any reviews ?

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Not sure on the side lower section but I'm in the East endzone, in the 200's, row 4 and literally a few rows down were getting soaked while I was completely dry. Also, the view might not be as good as the side but we also get air conditioned terminals and our own bathrooms and concessions. Last year I was right in line with our sidline but upgraded this year to the center and it was only $170 total for the season. As far as seeing over the players, you won't have a problem, I sat in the section to the west of the Golden Canes vs. Clemson 2 years ago.
Not sure on the side lower section but I'm in the East endzone, in the 200's, row 4 and literally a few rows down were getting soaked while I was completely dry. Also, the view might not be as good as the side but we also get air conditioned terminals and our own bathrooms and concessions. Last year I was right in line with our sidline but upgraded this year to the center and it was only $170 total for the season. As far as seeing over the players, you won't have a problem, I sat in the section to the west of the Golden Canes vs. Clemson 2 years ago.

Thanks for the info. $170 for the season ? 2 tickets in 148 are $850 for Notre Dame.
Not sure on the side lower section but I'm in the East endzone, in the 200's, row 4 and literally a few rows down were getting soaked while I was completely dry. Also, the view might not be as good as the side but we also get air conditioned terminals and our own bathrooms and concessions. Last year I was right in line with our sidline but upgraded this year to the center and it was only $170 total for the season. As far as seeing over the players, you won't have a problem, I sat in the section to the west of the Golden Canes vs. Clemson 2 years ago.

Thanks for the info. $170 for the season ? 2 tickets in 148 are $850 for Notre Dame.
Yep, 170 for the season and that's 100 more than last year. My buddy has a box right behind me and his went up 500. I did forget about the $75 donation, so my total ticket cost was $245. It's way better to get season tickets, you can sell the tickets you don't use and even make money.
Why sell your tickets?

Go to all the fūcking games.

Our fūcking fans, I swear...
Because I live pretty far and work some Saturdays and every Sunday. I go to as many as possible but I don't need to go to Famu, BCC, etc. Spend 100's of dollars on gas, food, drinks and hotels when I can sell them and watch my 65" 4k.
I'm in row 144, row 4. You can see perfectly fine, and there are some player families in the section. You also can see coaches out players, and see the injury tent and who is on the bikes.
What are the best seats in the lower level at Hard Rock. Looking at sections 144 and 148. Never been to the stadium and wondering if you can see over the players if you are really close to the field. Thanks.Are there any better seats or sections?

Hotel ideas ? The Hard Rock with a Casino looks ok, any reviews ?

As far as hotels, I usually stay at the stadium hotel. It's walking distance to Hard Rock and usually around $120. Also, they have a full bar at the front entrance and depending on how many people are with you and if you don't want to walk, they have a van that runs about every 15 min, drops you off at the front gates and is there waiting for you after the game; for $15 per person.
They also have a great breakfast and an Applebee's inside.
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