Hall dismissed from the team

Sanders, Cornelius (?), Wells, Alexis, Payne, Holton, Shayon Green (medical hardship?), Jeremy Lewis, Cain (if he continues to land in the dog house).

???? It's going to be really interesting to see what happens.
It's crazy to think about how young this team is going to be going into the fall. It seems like a most of the players we are counting on are Freshman and Sophomore.
Calhoun graduated, he wasnt kicked off the team.

Yeah, but he still had a year of eligibility left. He was removed from the roster (kicked off the team).

I have no issue with a kid being taken off schollie and given his walking papers from a football sense. Now its his choice to transfer and play fbs or stay and go to law school. Sounds like jc is going to come out smelling like a rose.
Another Shammin disgrace. lol. The list of underperforming SHamminized trash that Golden has had to push out is incredible.