
You guys are happy now, but when the **** finally breaks, all of Florida is underwater from Gator Tears, and millions die, it will have been our fault. Might have to ask Mario to dial it back for the public welfare.
people tide GIF
When’s Rashada announce tomorrow? Is he the first domino or are other guys possibly going public even sooner?
So they might commit to us. But, the Uga offers more, then theylll decomit and sign with them?

Lol if that's what I conveyed to you then yes! On that note if you get double an offer in your job and don't take it I'd have to judge you. These kids pour their heart and soul into the game and a lot of them are taking care of families who have sacrificed everything to support them so if your scenario were to play out charge it to the game. We are on the right side of the job offers though. Sure we will lose some but we will be on top more often than not.