Implosion imminent. Couple of bad early losses and he gone.
Might be able to snag Calvin ashley and Nick Brahms after all.
Wishful thinking. As an Auburn Alum, I can tell you Gus isn't going anywhere after this year even if he loses a few games this year. He's stacking some serious chips and he's going to groom a quarterback for next year. Alums and boosters that that call the bag men by their first names are just fine with him losing a few this year. If it happens after next year, he's done. Stick a fork in him.
They play clemson, tamu, lsu, and a legit ark state within the first 4 games. You still have to play the game, but that is looking like 1 - 3 at best w a couple of blowouts. They also just kicked their best player off the team and he is throwing straight bars at the coaching staff.
As an alum, I'm sure you know, Auburn hates being humiliated.