GT vs. UM

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IF i'm golden after this bull****... i go out and throw a hail mary... **** paul johnson and GT

Story f game
1st quarter, 175 yards by GAG
Rest of game 200
If we don't turn it over rest of game, this would be a 30 point win
I should have taken shots for every use of the word ankle dammit
Good win fellas. Ugly or not....Good Win! Chopping up the Canes FlashForward Now!!!!
Look I'm happy with the win and delighted with the fight back, BUT giving up 30 points to this O is unacceptable.

We had bad 1st quarter thats all. No more no less. They had long week to prepare. We adjusted end of story. our offense gave them 17 points for Christ sake. Relax
One great thing about our fanbase, we find ways to be so ****ed off and ready to beat someone's *** next year when we win by 2 TDs. Paul Johnson and USF's clowncar of cheapshot artists (though we don't play em again).

Seems like the players are that way too.
now some defensive highlights please, preferably a pick six

That last TD really ****ed me off. F*CKING bullsh8t with that prevent Defense bullsh8t. Why the F*CK do teams still play that sh*t? Its almost a guarantee that a team is going to score on you when you play that GHEY as sh*t.
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