Greg Rousseau - 4/80m second contract.

Has any college time ever got less out of two star DEs than Canes did with GR15 and the UCLA transfer kid drafted by the fins?
Felt like it was one year and a half between them.

(Happy for their success in pro$ of course)

The "kid" from UCLA was a five-star prospect who was one of the top recruits in the nation. And he actually produced the year he was healthy. What he did wasn't a surprise in terms of potential/talent. It was surprise because of the injuries he suffered and came back from.

This is a different/odd take, but my first thought after reading the title of the post was “wow, every bad guy in town now knows that GR hit the lottery.” I get it; it’s the world we live in. I’m also pretty private regarding my personal biz, so that factors into it. Considering the rise in athlete rip offs (ahem Carson Beck), I can’t be too far iff. Curious if anyone else thought this.

Also, in no way am I trying to dump on GR’s contract nor this thread. I couldn’t be happier for the guy. If you want to throw rocks at me, go for it, but please use smaller, lightweight rocks.
It's not an odd take. I am of the opinion of "lock your doors and windows." It will keep 99% of the people that are "curious" away.

Common sense and being diligent on the basics go a long way in keeping you and your family safe.
Him and Phillips would have been such a fun combo to have that one season…

Congrats to him he’s been very impactful with the bills and they wasted no time getting him locked up
Elijah Roberts
Harrison Hunte

Mannys 3 stars >>>> Mario’s 3 stars?

Run Away GIF
Alright now go look at the rest of those classes. Its horrible and left a huge hole in the team.